Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Life after parenting

Hi there PR marketing and advertising companies. Just thought I’d drop you a line and let you know that there is life after parenting and we’re not all ready for Saga holidays, funeral plans and bath aids.

I get endless emails for the above, I also get endless emails inviting me to mums and tums groups and  to try new restaurants with play areas for my kids while I eat/drink in peace. I also get endless emails about 2 for 1 offers, discounts on group bookings in restaurants and at events, opportunities to review days out, kids books, toys, clothing and prams that are always a perfect fit with my blog, as there is an assumption that as I write about kids, they must all be small.

I don’t fit into either of these catagories and I feel the world of marketing is missing out on an untapped market.

I’m 46, my kids have left home and I have a disposable income. I don’t want spa days, brunches or experiences, as I'm not one of those people who has a large social network of friends that live in the same town as me. I don't work, therefore I'm not interested in discounts for 10 or more at certain times of the year and I'm not into joining gyms and other leisure activities.

I'm not really sure what I want if I'm honest from PR companies advertising and marketing agencies other than an offer of something that is fun.

I'd like 2 for 1 offers that I can use over two different dates, not have to bring someone with me on the day to benefit. I'd like to review your fancy bath products not anti wrinkle creams. I'd like to be sent a book to review that isn't in the self help/improvement category. Clothes that are fashionable not practical, bags that are fun and not for travel, stationery for keeping in touch with my pen pals.

I'm available during the day, like I said I don't work and I don't have small kids, surely I'm not exempt from using your facilities and visiting you during the day.

I might like to try your new menu and dine alone, take a good book with me to read, or does that make your establishment feel uncomfortable? I might like a free glass of wine with my meal for one as an incentive to get me to come and try your new menu, on my own. I might want to take advantage of that spare seat at a concert or a show and actually attend on my own.

I'm also more than happy to pay for all the above, but I feel that I don't get offered the same discounts, level of attention as others who turn up in groups, use 2 for 1 offers, or fit the niche of your establishment.

While there will always be people with kids, people who fit your targeted audience, there will always be people without kids, without a network of friends, people who don't want to join large groups or take part in activities. There will always be people who just want to be. Be on their own, experience new things, visit new places, that don't want to be ignored when they get there, don't want to be sat in a corner or away from everyone else. People who want to be in the thick of things. People with nothing else to spend their money on, except themselves, so why not let that be with you, why not offer them the same experiences as others?


  1. I hope PR and marketing agencies read this and take heed. Why cant they do deals for individuals, its always as a pair or a group!
    Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week!

    1. it would just be nice when Mrs contacted me with 'I feel this would be a fit for your blog' that they'd actually read my blog and would see I'd have no use for a pram

  2. If I had a pound for everyone of these I receive I'd be rich! I'm planning plenty more 'do's' before my funeral though! There's a lot of lessons here for all. Another one that touches on business and marketing is the way insurance works (as in a renewal is always more expensive), leaving you to go elsewhere and get it cheaper. Same with mortgages. Where's the sense? I hear you (although I'm not a PR, as you know!) Thanks for sharing with #tweensteensbeyond

    1. renewals really trouble me, i do shop around for better deals though, except for contents insurance, it's really not worth my time re listing all my items

  3. Haha, this is so perfect! I hope they take note!! I'd be happy to benefit from your rant :)

  4. This happens to us all the time ... I don't want to think about funeral plans quite yet!!!!!!!

    1. i'm not eligible until i'm over 55 anyway, i've 8 and half years to go, do they really think i'm going to save their details?

  5. I'm heading for 60 next birthday so just imagine the sort of adverts I get! Oddly though, I find the most annoying mailslots to be for car insurance, as I haven't personally owned a car for about 10 years. When will they stop?? #tweensteensbeyond

    1. it's the baby stuff that irritates me, i'm 46 and my youngest is 18

  6. sounds reasonable to me. It seems that in the past few years more brands have opened themselves up to work with dads, hopefully this will be their next step #triumphnattales

    1. i'm not really sure what i want to see if i'm honest but we don't stay parents of small kids forever

  7. I've had a string of these lately. They are always a 'good fit' for my blog when they are selling breast-feeding products. I totally agree that marketing companies are missing a trick. Our generation has far more disposable income than those in their twenties. We are a huge market. I hope you get a lovely glass of wine soon. Thanks so much for sharing with us at #TweensTeensBeyond

    1. i guess the issue is they have a format that works and there will always be new parents so i guess they just stick with that

  8. Haha - that's told them! Well done. Pity they don't pay more attention to your actual blog! #TriumphantTales

