Saturday, 31 March 2018

One Daily Positive - Week 13 Ill health and Visitors

It never rains it just pours. My mum is one of 8 siblings, her eldest brother died in 2016. I was in the UK for my father's youngest brothers funeral when he passed also on the day I flew home. One of my mums other siblings was admitted to hospital over the weekend also. The teen is also home after his op and apart from being in pain is ok. Poor mum doesn't know if she's coming or going at the moment. My fathers cousins wife died suddenly on Wednesday after a short battle with cancer also.

I've been on iron tablets for a month now as my red blood cell count was low and the oncologist suspected that because my body wasn't absorbing iron, my white blood cell count was elevated thinking I had an infection. Sadly the iron tablets have helped with the red cell count, but my WBC remains high and I will now need further investigation of my bone marrow to find out why. I've also been suffering with severe neck and pain for the past 2-3 months and have had 8 migraines lasting 2-3 days over a 9 week period, all of which isn't good.

84 Sunday I visited Dubai Mall to take some photos for this weeks My Sunday Photo, did some blogging in the afternoon and took Bob for a walk to take more pictures of the new metro station as it's being built.

85 Monday was spent doing a food shop at Carrefour and the ironing. I also spent some time at the pool over the road. Summer is officially here now in Dubai, low of 21c high of 37c this week and it's only going to get hotter.

86 Tuesday took Bob to the dog park, wrote some letters pool side after a swim which I can feel I'm really starting to benefit from. Spent the rest of the day sweeping sand from the balcony, cleaning windows and washing dog beds and sofa covers as well as stocking the mini fridge ready for child 4 and 4a's arrival on Thursday.

87 Wednesday dropped Bob at Paw Parking for a spa day, did some shopping and had coffee, met Heidi for a coffee got my nails done, had a swim and went to the pub quiz in the evening.

88 Thursday collected child 4 and 4a at 10am from the airport, drove home where they unpacked, showered and headed back out to Dubai Mall for their 2.30pm trip up the Burj Khalifa, followed by lunch, shopping and watching the fountains. Peter joined us for dinner and we watched the LED display before heading home at 10pm

89 Friday was spent at Brunch at Dusit Thani. Dan and Alanna had a lie in and walked Bob in the evening.

90 Saturday we packed a picnic and headed out to the beach, popping out to Ibn Battuta Mall later then having a BBQ once the sun goes down. Making the most of the weather before it gets too hot and we're forced indoors.

On the blog this week:

My Sunday Photo - Dubai Mall extension and the Burj Khalifa
Best Boot Forward and Tweens Teens Beyond - Injecting some colour in my life and trying new things
TriumphantTales - Avoiding the pitfalls of car hire


  1. I hope they get to the bottom of your health problems soon. It must be a bit frustrating to say the least. Nice to have some visitors this week. Is that picture the brunch? It looks very sweet.

    1. yep that was brunch about 3 hours in, near the end

  2. I love getting my nails done too. Love the colour! #365

    1. thank you, i love the range of colours available, change them every 2 weeks

  3. Oh Suzanne, I hope you will soon have the answers to your health issues. Glad to hear that the pool benefits you. And it must be so lovely to have your children visiting. 37C is already too hot for me, I don't endure the heat well.
    That dessert looks like an interesting selection, with all kinds of textures and flavours.

    1. having a great time with the kids visiting although they've worn me out

  4. Bob looks very chilled there. your family loses are just so sad, but I'm glad your son is ok. It's all never ending. Grr to the bone marrow needing looking at, I'd hoped they'd cracked the issue for you. Enjoy the time with your visitors x

    1. Bob is always relaxed bless him, wish a bit of his lifestyle would rub off on me

  5. Aww! I feel so sorry for you and your family. It seems like this last year has just been awful for you all. Your health problems do not sound good at all. I hope you feel better soon.
    I would love those Temperature here....It is so cold. I want some sunshine! Your nails look gorgeous x

    1. the temperature is perfect at the moment, but it won't be long before it's too hot

  6. I love that you stock a mini fridge for your visitors! You would be the best person to visit. Oh dear even the start if Summer heat sounds too warm for me. Bet the swimming was nice. #365

    1. I'm loving the swimming, it's great to get out the house more. the mini fridge allows the visitors some personal space, they don't have to keep coming up and down the stairs

  7. Sorry to hear it's getting hot again! I really hope you get some answers on your health problems too and sorry to hear about more ill health in your family too. I hope 4 and 4a enjoy their stay, it must be lovely to have them there.

    1. it's lovely having the kids to stay, really enjoying their company

  8. Nice to have 4 and 4a with you for a while.
    Hope the meds are making a difference and glad you are enjoying the swimming. At least it is something you can still do in the heat of the Summer until you come back to the UK

    1. hopefully i'll be able to enjoy the swimming even when the weather gets to hot as it's a short walk and the pool is cooled

  9. Hope you get some answers to your health problems soon! x #project365

    1. thank you, so do i, i've had enough of the endless dr's appointments

  10. Hope you're enjoying having 4 and 4a with you. Those desserts look amazing. Hope they get the tests done quickly and you finally get some answers.

    1. Had a lovely visit with 4 and 4a, it's just gone so quickly

  11. So sorry to hear more bad news for your family, and I really hope they get to the bottom of your health problems soon, you must be so tired of test after test xx

  12. Love the pudding part of the brunch! I hope you start to feel better soon. #project365

    1. i always check the dessert trolley first to see how much space i need to leave to eat as much pudding as possible

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