Saturday, 30 June 2018

Week 26 One Daily Positive

Celebrating my birthday week in Wales, Birmingham and Belfast. Had a great week with family

175 Sunday Started my birthday celebrations today. Mum and I went to Parkend to the boot sale, then onto the Speech House for tea and cake. This was the trip we did with Dad 3 days before he died and with the anniversary of his death coming up there are a few things that we feel the need to just get out the way/out of our system. The photo I took of Dad and I was supposed to have mum in it, but she popped to the toilet and I just took the snap, for what ever reason we didn't take one of the 3 of us on her return, so I took one of me and her today.

176 Monday I opened my presents and cards today, a day early as I'm away for the rest of the week. There was cake.

177 Tuesday I caught the National Express Coach to Birmingham, wandered to the train station and onto the hotel then headed out to the NEC for dinner and wine.

178 Wednesday Early morning flight to Belfast, caught the bus into the City and spent the day exploring before 4a collected me after she finished work. Child 4 arrived home from the mainland where he's been on a training course late in the evening. I've carried these flowers for 3 days, a gift from child 3 &3a in Australia. This box has become my Wilson in Castaway.

179 Thursday Everyone was in work today so I headed out to Lisburn on the bus for a couple of hours. The evening was spent having dinner and drinks with friends. Mum and I were in the Daily Mail today.

180 Friday off with the in law to be, 4a's mum to check out the wedding venue for next year. Family BBQ in the evening.

181 Saturday Cake tasting for 4 and 4a's wedding next september and goodbyes to 4 as he heads off to Germany for 3 weeks. I may or may not see him in August ahead of his 4 month posting to the Falklands, followed by 4 months in Kenya early next year. It could potentially be a year before I see him next, but who knows things happen and change.

Paying a bit more attention to myself. Back to basics and some TLC 

Who are these people judging SAHM's and why do we listen to them?

March to June 2018 The building of the new metro station at Al Furjan. 


  1. Happy Birthday! Looks like a fabulous time.

  2. How amazing to be in the daily mail, a lovely picture too #365

    1. thank you, it was a lovely experience for mum and I

  3. The venue looks stunning and i'd have loved that cake tasting! I hope the flowers have survived all the travelling better than Wilson did! #365

    1. yep the flowers did really well, i was impressed

  4. Happy belated birthday!
    Lovely photos! It looks like you had a fab week x

  5. That looks like a beautiful setting for a wedding.Love a bit of cake testing too.

    That's a lovely photo of you and your mum in the mail

    1. the cakes were fantastic and the wedding venue was amazing

  6. I saw that article in the Mail, turned the page and then did a double take: Oi, don't I know that lady?! Lovely photo of you two in the paper, your Mum looks very young. Hope the flowers survived all the travelling around. It's always nice to spread birthday celebrations. :)

    1. thank you, i'll pass the message on, she's actually 74

  7. Happy belated birthday, nice you got to spend some of it with family and get spoiled.
    Poor flowers seems such a shame to trail them, but then no point in leaving them at home unloved.
    Your children seem to have inherited your travel gene.

    1. the flowers did really well, very impressed with the company

  8. Great article in the Daily Mail, congrats! You both look fab! #project365

  9. Happy Birthday! Cake tasting for the wedding sounds like a fab thing to do.

  10. Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had an amazing week :) Great article, one I can relate to with both my sister and I in the US and my mum in Scotland. I know it's going to become more difficult as time goes on.

    1. thank you, i'm grateful my mother doesn't need physical care

