Tuesday, 24 July 2018

I only found out how crap my life was when I turned on British TV

I might have irritable bowel syndrome.

I really need to do something about my wrinkles.

I don't have enough healthy bacteria in my gut.

I'm at risk of e coli by not using the right cleaning chemicals.

Should I panic? Deep clean the house? Make a Doctors appointment? Have botox?

I don't watch a lot of TV other than box sets on Netflix and the British soaps, if I can find them on You tube. Therefore I rarely see TV adverts. But after 6 or so weeks in the UK, I've seen every advert going and apparently, my current lifestyle choices are crap.

A lot of people say how Social Media puts other people down, judges them and helps to inform our decisions on how we judge others also, but I'd say it's NOT Social Media, it's the TV.

TV is a major financial institution, your TV licence doesn't cover the cost of what you watch, even the BBC have adverts, you might not realise this, but the items they present on lifestyle choices are led by major companies, pushing their products, their ideas.

It's subliminal advertising. Adverts they tell you that you have a problem in order to sell you a product.

'Did you know the leading product only reduces your chance of xxxxxxx by 95%, our new and improved product can reduce those risks further up to 99.9%'

They're telling you that the risk of you developing/catching something is high. They scare you into buying their product, they lead you to believe that without their product you're putting yourself and your family at risk.

Ok, so skin care products aren't that risky when it comes to your health, but are you aware of how many times you get stopped in a store or in the street and told you look old, you have bad skin, your nails look terrible, your hair is lank? I know they don't use those actual words, but that's what they are implying.

This is what the cosmetic companies are saying to you 'you look like crap' buy our products and you too can look as beautiful as this.

It's all about the money and you're gullible enough to fall for it and then blame others on Social Media who have fallen for this.

This is a before and after photo of me from 18 months ago. On the left I was told to come bare faced, there was no lighting, just look at the camera. After I'd had my make over, lighting was introduced and I was encouraged to smile.

If I ever go missing, make sure the picture they use is the one on the left, as I only look like the person on the right in my profile pictures.


  1. I spend much more time on Roku than regular tv. Regular tv I record on the DVR and skip commercials. You're right - everything is horrible unless.....you buy or use whatever!

  2. It seems scaremongering has become the marketing tactic for females, where are the days where the product sold itself???
    Thank you for sharing this with us at #TriumphantTales. I hope to see you back next week!

    1. and selling us products we don't actually need at inflated prices also

  3. I watch too much telly but am very cynical about the adverts. Now it amuses me when I hear my tween and teens slating adverts particularly those that put women down so much. Don't go missing - we would miss you! #BestBootForward

    1. I survived the week, no need to paste my face over the milk cartons just yet

  4. I don't watch TV much - or TV with adverts much, but you are so right! They are definitely always telling us ways to make our lives better. Love those photos of you. It just shows how much in life is fake!

    1. it's the way they tell us our lives are crap first so they can be the ones to improve it for us

  5. I think you become accustomed to tv adverts over time. The ones that really annoy me are the silent ones, which never fail to make me look at the tv even if I wasn't the one watching it in the first place. Or the ones that you just can't make out what they are about. I take them all with a pinch of salt.

    1. there are so many adverts I've seen and yet still have no idea what product they're trying to sell me

  6. I try to avoid TV adverts altogether. I either zone out, leave the room or mute the TV #triumphanttales

    1. i do prefer to watch recorded tv and fast forward through them all

  7. They make you want to have whatever problem so their product can cure it. I couldn't justify paying for TV and find plenty without cable or satellite. It's weird, the older I get the more news I watch and that's a whole other kind of advertising. I think it's skews more toward people afraid they have whatever disease they tell you you may have. I did actually go to my Dr once with one of those things they tell you you probably have and she shook her head but tested me for it anyway.

    1. oh don't get me started on the news Jeanna, maybe that's a whole new blog post in itself

  8. Hi Suzanne, you are so right (again). I only ever watch Netflix, so I don't see adverts, but the box my husband watches sport on does show adverts, which do make me laugh. I never realised that I had to play online bingo to have fun until I saw the advert. Luckyily I am quite happy being a not fun person... And it's sad to think we'll never be popular uless we have straight (day-glo) teeth, glowing skin and glossy hair. Perfume gets the man and the 'right' car gives us status... I think I'll stick with Netflix!... When I see photos done in a similar style to yours (no lighting before & nicely lit for after, it does make me wonder who actually falls for it as they are most definately set up differently. I think most of us lok like your before picture too!

    Thank you for linking up with #keepingitreal


    1. I often say if i go missing don't use my profile pic as they won't be able to find me

  9. I never watch live TV for this very reason. We download everything so we can skip the ads. #keepingitreal

    1. i only watch tv when I'm in the UK, can't believe how much worse it has become

  10. So true that there are many adverts out there saying this stuff. I'm pleased we don't have as many adverts as other countries or so it may seem. #TriumphantTales

  11. As much as I can I skip through the adverts, it's all rubbish.

    1. i find myself channel hopping when the adverts come on

