Saturday, 21 August 2021

July 2021 One Daily Positive, Project 365. Northern Ireland, Unpacking and family.

We had a trip to Northern Ireland to collect the dog from child 4's house. They collected the dog in April to enable me to go back to Dubai for the last time. We explored the north coast, visited a lot of the tourist attractions and spent a couple of days on the beach. 

Our container arrived but not without hassle which you can read about here. The dining room is being used for storage, a sofa bed, fridge freezer, garden furniture and bedding is going to my mums for her new place in September, there are several boxes of kitchen items we won't need until we get a new kitchen and a dining room table and another sofa that are waiting for an extension to be built. We've no idea when any of that will happen as we're struggling to get hold of builders.

Other than that there have been lots of dog walks, good foods, baby cuddles (next door neighbour had a little girl also) and time with family and friends.

Day 182 -  212
182 crops are in. Rhubarb has been stewed and potatoes baked and in the freezer. The rhubarb is waiting for our DILs apples and will be made into crumble.

183 our grandchild decided the lawn needed mopping on their visit

184 a visit to our great nephew born in April and collect MIL who is house and cat sitting for a few weeks

185 on the ferry to Northern Ireland to collect Bob the dog from child 4s house where he's been since April when I went to Dubai for the last time

186 Bob the dog and his friend Molly

187 Football Euros

188 exploring the northern coast, Giant Causeway

189 more football

190 Crocs from child 4 for my birthday

191 I said 'go to bed' they have a bed each

192 Dog walking at Divis

193 12th July

194 another beach visit

195 Dark Hedges

196 on the ferry home

197 a walk round Malvern

198 sorting out the garden planting

199 driving into Wales after dropping MIL back home

200 these two are taking a while to settle back to being together

201 so in charge of this house

202 Container arrived

203 a swim in the Wye with a friend

204 Friday night chips in the garden with my friend and neighbour

205 BBQ in the garden

206 it's a dog's life

207 dining room being used as storage

208 meeting my great nephew for the first time

209 another spot the cat competition

210 a walk up the Malvern Hills

211 wetting the babies head

212 more cat sagas

I'll be back next week with a summary of August, then back to weekly posts.


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  1. Oh wow, Suzanne, I really enjoyed all the photos this week! The one picture of Bob and Molly staring at the camera all perfectly posed is just too cute for words! And look at all the sweet babies in your life, too! Thanks for sharing this peek into your life and for hosting the party. Have a wonderful weekend!


    1. so much excitement now we're back in the UK

  2. I bet you were glad to get Bob the dog back home. It sounds like a great trip to Northern Ireland.
    Fab photos! x

    1. it's lovely having us all back in one place now

  3. Glad your container arrived. Nice to see your family again i expect, and to get Bob back. Hope he's settling back in ok.

  4. I love Northern Ireland, would love to go back and explore some more. Glad your container arrived safely and it must be lovely to have your dog back home with you

    1. it's a bit of a trek, but easier than Dubai

  5. Your grandchild mopping the lawn made me chuckle. I love the funny things kids do. Lovely for you to be reunited with Bob again. Love your purple crocs. Looks like you’ve had some lovely walks up in the Malvern Hills and glad you got to meet your new great-nephew for the first time. #project365

    1. It's been great getting out and about and so many new family members to keep up with

  6. Oh wow I see what you mean about the dining room now! Nice to have Bob and Puskhins reunited with you both again. #365

    1. it's going to be like that until october now

  7. My kids sweep the lawn with a broom! Hope you are enjoying our cool UK summer... #project365

