Monday 6 June 2011

how much more?

Are you a giver or a taker?

I'm a giver...not just of gifts, money or time...but of myself....

I'm a yes person, 'if you want something done ask a busy person' if I want something done, I do it myself.

Sometimes my thoughts and actions hurt people, but I am aware of this and I always do my best to rectify the problem, even when my thoughts and actions come about after reaching the stage of having had enough of the other person or situation...

What am I then?...Well, I always say yes, but then they want it done all on their terms and if I offer a suggestion it's wrong, interferring or worse I'm showing off, showing them up for their inadequecies...WTF? I can't do right for doing wrong...

There comes a time when I have to stop giving...I'm tired, I'm hurting...and if I complain then I'm a selfish, sensitive cow...

Anyone else find themselves hitting their head against a brick wall?
