Sunday, 30 December 2012

Why kids are never satisifed...I blame the media

My kids still don’t know what’s hit them. They used to share me with 3 older siblings, my work, and my studies. And now that the youngest 2 aged 13 and 17 have me all to themselves, every day after school, all weekend, all the school holidays.
We had a good life in the UK, we rent out our 6 bed house in Malvern, hubby had a company car, I had a jeep, kids were in private school, life was more than comfortable, we had foreign holidays, and we didn’t go without.

Here in South Africa we took a step or two back for the first year and at the end of year 2 we've caught back up. We rent a 4 bed house, hubby still has a company car, I bought another jeep, the kids are in private school, but there the similarity ends. We are still comfortable; our foreign holidays are in the UK, we don’t go without.....
...but we’ve jumped into a whole other league, the sun shines daily, we have a pool, we have the most amazing scenery and wildlife literally on our doorstep.

And do our kids want more? they’re not selfish, they’re not unrealistic, but the neighbours drive Ferraris, Lamborghinis, the kids have drivers to take them to school/cinema/to friends, they have golf carts, wear designer gear, have maids and gardeners, kids have ipads, iphones, i,i,i,i...... they spend their weekends at Sun City, holidays on private game reserves in their lodges in Kruger.
My kids know they can’t compete and for the first time in their lives it doesn’t bother them, they both appreciate having me around, they appreciate the opportunities that living abroad bring them.

What stops them feeling the need to compete, to want more? They don’t have the pressure like they did in the UK from the media, their peer groups and their friends.

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