Friday, 13 December 2013

Whale Watching in Hermanus

We chose to stay in Hermanus to Whale Watch, naively we assumed it would be like ‘oh look there’s a whale’ but sadly not.

Although Whales can be seen here September till December it does require a little more effort than a room with a sea view.

So without any Whale pictures to post I thought I’d share some of the things I found out about The Southern Right Whale and Hermanus.
  • Hermanus is generally regarded as the best land based whale watching centre in the world. Acknowledged by the World Wildlife Fund for nature WWF.
  • Hermanus has the worlds only whale crier, Eric Davalala who patrols the streets blowing his kelp horn alerting tourists to the position of the whales.

·         Calves are born tail first

·         Calves measure 5-6 meters at birth

·         The mother takes the calf to the surface for their first breath

·         Within 30 minutes of birth a calf has learnt to swim

·         Gestation period is 12 months

·         A fully grown male is around 15.2 meters long and a female 16.5 metres

·         The life span of a Southern right whale is between 90-100 years


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