Saturday, 19 March 2016

Week 11 - One Daily Positive and Project 366.

I hit the ground running this week with work, school trip, parent's evening and an observation, I'm not sleeping well and I'm in a lot of pain with my back and neck. I managed to fit in a visit to the nail bar that I rescheduled twice and as well as having shiny new finger and toe nails in blue, they threw in a free massage.

Last week at work next week and then 2 weeks off for Spring Break. Peter and I have booked a weekend up in the mountains at a spa with natural hot water springs and then the #teen is out to visit for 2 weeks.

Sunday Day 73 #onedailypositive #project366 four days after the storm, you'd never believe how much rain we had in Dubai last week without photographic evidence, more rain predicted this week then summer will hit full force @debs72_
For My Sunday Photo was just a selfie of ME, shattered.

Monday Day 74 #onedailypositive #project366 home alone tonight for the first time in ages (6 weeks) so I popped to the local 'pork shop' to buy some ham to go with my non halal chicken soup and picked up a packet of Frazzles. Not foods I'd normally eat, but when you live as an expat every little reminder of home is welcomed. I blogged today about why I don't drive a Ferrari.

Tuesday Day 75 #onedailypositive #project366 apart from a screen shot of the weather in Dubai and my sunrise photo, this is the only other picture I've taken today. You can discount the 100+ I took on a school trip to a farm. This was taken at 9.30pm as I'm preparing for teacher-parent meetings tomorrow. As I left work at 5pm I checked my emails to discover I'm being observed on Thursday. What a week????? On a positive though, I am up to date with my learning journeys, the observation is taking place during registration and phonics which I've got covered and I blitzed the classroom (again) on Monday so no stress. This week's Animal Tales is Bob avoiding a bath.

Wednesday Day 76 #onedailypositive #project366 I arrived at work in the dark and I left work in the dark. Somewhere in between there was parent's evening. My first ever as a teacher rather than a parent and it rained sand. This is the only photo taken today. Would like to go straight to bed now but as I'm being observed first thing in the morning, that's unlikely to happen for a couple of hours yet.

Thursday Day 77 #onedailypositive #project366 honestly what do you think? Trying out the Arabic way of doing my eyebrows. Not really, it's an eyebrow tint, you don't reach 44 without a few grey hairs. I finished this week at work only 20 minutes behind schedule, all planning, resources and classroom up to date. Was observed this week, think it went well. Will find out next week. Having nails done as a reward for getting through the week and dinner out with Peter later. For HDYGG it's another visit to The Miracle Gardens.

Friday Day 78 #onedailypositive #project366 the only photo I took today of Bob in the desert. We had planned lunch at @tribesgrill and a stroll along @jbr_official and @thebeachdubai but all I managed when we got back from walking Bob was to do the washing before spending the rest of the day in bed sleeping. We'll try again tomorrow. It has always alarmed me how much stuff some people post about their children and ex partners, so I wrote about how your social media can damage your children.

Saturday Day 79 #onedailypositive #project366 bacon butty at 5am. I haven't managed more than a 3 hour block of sleep for over a week now and it's getting me down. It didn't help that I spent most of yesterday in bed but I was struggling to stay awake, I feel run down, have a bad cough and my neck and back have been playing up. On a positive I've caught up with my tv shows, blogging and letter writing.

I've spent the morning filing and sorting, we're off to The Beach now at Jumeriah Beach Residences for a walk round and to spend the last of the meal vouchers I won last year with Instagram and this evening we'll be taking part in Earth Hour.


  1. I hadn't realised you could have that much rain in Dubai. Sounds like a busy week.

