Saturday, 12 March 2016

Week 63 - My Sunday Photo

It's been difficult choosing a photo this week as I like to post a picture I've not already shared on social media and share a little bit of the week ahead.

It's been a busy week exploring my home in Dubai as a tourist as my friend came to visit from the UK. 

We've visited all the sights, been on a desert safari and witnessed an amazing storm that not only flooded the streets but our kitchen also and the Mall of Emirates sprung a few leaks too. We also witnessed lightening strike the Burj Al Arab and ate our body weight in cake by spoiling ourselves with afternoon tea at Laudree for Mother's Day and breakfast at the Atlantis on the Palm. 

This is me right now after a day back at work, I've parents evening this week, my first one ever as a teacher and a school trip to an animal sanctury to look forward to. My henna design is still going well and I need a bit more sleep than I've been getting recently, but on the whole, life is good and the #teen will be here in just over 2 weeks and I have some more time off work. 


  1. I have loved your photos from around Dubai this week. I hope Parents evening goes well

    Thank you for linking up

    1. thank you, parents evening went well, I really enjoyed showing my friend around Dubai

  2. Enjoy your time off work with your teen son - I bet you can't wait to see him x

    1. It will be lovely to have him over here for two weeks

  3. I hope you can have more rest! The henna tats looks fun! #mysundayphoto

    1. the henna tattoo is fading and now i look like i just need a good wash

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