Friday, 31 August 2018

Post Comment Love #PoCoLo 31 August - 2 September

Welcome to Post Comment Love (#PoCoLo).  Same linky as usual for all all bloggers to link up their favourite post of the week.  Just in a different place.  Morgan is on her holidays at Walt Disney World so I'm co-hosting in August to help Stephanie This is my last week co hosting and I've met some lovely, new bloggers over the past month, I'm hoping we'll continue to discover each others posts through this link.

I'm off again on my travels, been back in the UK for a week and I'm now heading to South Africa via a stop over in Dubai either side. I'll be back in the UK in October for our nieces wedding and will return to Dubai the end of October to get my new visa sorted. My mum is joining us for Christmas and then I'm visiting child 3 & 3a in Australia in January before returning to the UK in February and March.

Whilst all this travel sounds glamorous, it has been part of the deal struck with my husband since we started our expat journey in 2011. The youngest of 5 children left home and returned to boarding school in the UK in 2013, since he finished school in 2017, we've had the finances to for me to be able to travel and spend time with our adult children around the world. Child 1, 2 & 2a and 5 live in Gloucestershire and 4 & 4a are in Northern Ireland, but 4 is currently in the Falkland Islands, I won't see him until September 2019, child 3 & 3a are in Australia I haven't seen them for 13 months now.

This photo is from 2017, it was the first time in 10 years that we'd all been in the same country at the same time. I doubt it will happen again for a long time.

I joined in with the #PoCoLo linky a couple of years ago and it's been great to meet a variety of bloggers and connect with a wider audience.

Blogger Showcase: This week is the turn of Sarah from Five Step Sarah 
Sarah is a full time working mum and lives with her 4 year old son, 16 year old cat called Tigger and their dog Winston. As Sarah's blog suggests she writes about DIY/Crafts, fitness, reading, outdoor activities, personal development and design all brought to you in 5 easy steps. You can find out more about Sarah by popping over to Stephanie's post.


  1. Thanks for hosting! Hope to see you at my Fancy Friday linkup party!

    1. oh I'm not sure I've got anything fancy to link up

  2. It might sound glamorous but it would not be for me. I hate travelling especially alone on public transport as I always have a fear of being on the wrong train/bus/plane and ending up where I would not want to be.

