Saturday, 4 August 2018

One Daily Positive - Week 31

It's been a stressful and expensive start to this week. I've also not achieved my 'to do' list which is stressing me out.

First off I had a minor panic and major meltdown when I couldn't find the buildings insurance renewal email for the house we rent out in the UK. It had been sent to a different email address. Then I had to renew the contents insurance for the flat, my passport is almost full so I made an online application to do that on Tuesday. I finalised the accommodation and car hire for Greece in 2 weeks time and I still have to book transport and a hotel at Manchester airport.

The last few days I've been experiencing shooting pains in my left leg and side of my head, I often have this, I think it's the nerve damage at the base of my spine playing up again, I've also been a bit headachey and I don't think the heat is helping me much.

It's not been the most interesting week for photos either.

I'm co hosting #PoCoLo for August with Stephanie while Morgan is on holiday.

210 Sunday I'm sleeping over at my mums for the week as child 4 and 4a have exclusive use of the flat. Torrential rain when I walked to a friends to have a melt down at the thought of all the above. Out with Children 2, 2a, her parents and 4 & 4a for dinner in the local pub.

211 Monday Most of the day was spent drinking coffee and getting on top of all the calls I had to make and emails that needed sending as well out sorting out insurance for the flat. I spent some time with friends in the morning and popped in to see Thing 1, 2 and 3. At least there will be no questioning my identity, this is pretty much what I look like when I arrive at border control after a 7 hour flight.

212 Tuesday 4a flew back to Belfast. I took mum with me when I went to the passport office. On the way home we stopped for fuel and then the starting motor just died, I walked mum home then child 4 joined me for 3 hours while we waited for a tow.

213 Wednesday was spent in caffe nero sorting out contents insurance for the flat and replying to several hundred emails. I then cleaned the flat and rearranged the furniture to create more storage space for my fathers stamp collection, then 4 and I headed off to Cirencester to meet child 5 for dinner. I've now been relegated to the back seat and often get asked if I need to pee before we leave.

214 Thursday I had a new smart meter installed, then met a friend for lunch who gave me a very belated birthday girt, followed by spending the evening with another local friend and popping into the pub.

215 Friday I sorted through child 5 & 3 belongings they've left in the flat for storage and repacked. There are quite a few things they didn't want so child 4 helped me with rehoming. We called into see the 'Things' late afternoon. Passport came back today. Too hot and muggy, hoping for a storm soon.

216 Saturday Child 4 left early evening to return to Belfast, next stop for him the Falklands till the middle of December. i won't see him again until September 2019. I tidied and cleaned the bedroom and bathroom and did some washing. Off to the last night of the music festival later. It's T-Rex night.

On the blog this week is all about friendships. What makes a friend? Friendship is a mutual but not exclusive relationship. How much value do you put on your friends?

My Sunday Photo: Bergisel Olympic Ski Jump, Innsbruck, Austria.


  1. What a busy week of coming and going! No wonder you've been feeling stressed. It must be weird knowing that you won't see 4 for over a year now. I hope things start to settle down for you a bit more next week.

  2. It really has been all go for you this past week....It sounds like you have got loads done. I think it would have left me feeling stressed too...I hope things are quieter next week x

    1. i'm getting stressed at the drop of a hat these days

  3. no wonder you are stressed out. It sounds to me like you need to stop trying to be everything for everybody and let some of them do the running.
    Hope the car is not to expensive to sort but hanging around for 3 hrs in this heat is not good.
    We have had some rain and storms but still very warm and muggy here.

    1. I'm learning to say no a lot more, mums car was back on the road the following day

  4. It does sound busy and I'm like you with to do lists - I hate it if I can't make inroads into them. Hope you get some of the things sorted soon.

    1. I've had to make new lists in smaller groupings

  5. Sounds like you had a busy week. Hope your son has a great time! Bet you will miss him.

    1. it's never not busy these days lol, already missing the boys

  6. There's no doubting who is the mum of child 4, will people say the same about me and my son when he's older I wonder. What a pita about your Mum's car and the wait. i can't imagine how hard it must be saying farewell to your kids when you know you won't see them for so long, it's hard enough with my parents, which reminds me i need to ask Dad about the stamps on Thursday - my brain is a total sieve these days! #365

    1. looking forward to seeing you on friday for a good old gossip

  7. I can see why you feel tired and stressed, there was so much for you to organise and sort out. hope your leg and head have recovered. It must be tough saying good bye to your kids, knowing you won't see them for a long time.

    1. no it doesn't get any easier, with all the goodbyes

  8. Sounds like a busy and stressful start to week! Sounds like you got it sorted though. Sorry to hear the car stopped on you!

  9. There must be an awful lot of admin and policy documents to deal with due to your busy life! I must admit that I leave all of those to Chris to deal with! #project365

