Friday 3 August 2018

Post Comment Love (#PoCoLo) 3-5 August

Welcome to Post Comment Love (#PoCoLo).  Same linky as usual for all all bloggers to link up their favourite post of the week.  Just in a different place.  Morgan is on her holidays at Walt Disney World so I'm co-hosting in August to help Stephanie.  

As I live in Dubai for most of the year, I'm told how lucky I am to have all that sunshine. However the reality is, it's too hot to be outdoors in it most of the year. So I'm loving this UK summer, although I will admit, I am finding it too hot sometimes.

Whilst I love to travel, I'm often out of my comfort zone and last week I was in Germany visiting friends. They lent me their car and I crossed the border to Austria relying on hope alone that I would have a signal, driving through the Alps, on my GPS. 

I joined in with the #PoCoLo linky a couple of years ago and it's been great to meet a variety of bloggers and connect with a wider audience.

Blogger Showcase. This week is the turn of Kylie at Simple Little Secrets.

Kylie blogs about the latest beauty, fashion and lifestyle, creating a new look whilst saving money. if you check out Kylie's Instagram account you'll see cute pictures of her daughter and see she has a passion for coffee. If you want to know more about Kylie or find out if she prefers cake or biscuits with her coffee you'll need to head over to Stephanie's post.


  1. Lovely to see you hosting. Thank you!
    We have had rain for most of today but it hasn't cooled down much. Hmmf x

    1. we had some rain last weekend, but nothing since

