Monday, 13 August 2018

Supporting Children living in poverty in South Africa

I spent 4 years living in South Africa and have been back many times to visit the charities I worked 
with when we lived there.

There are numerous charities in South Africa supporting children living in poverty in many different ways.

The Viva Foundation who supply affordable education and support the local community with a 
variety of projects. Including camping in a township, taking part in an arts project.

Dignity Dreams providing women with washable and reusable sanitary products. I reviewed them.

Santa Shoebox Project collect and distribute 110,000 Christmas gifts throughout the country each 
year. My Santa Shoebox journey.

Kungwini Welfare Organisation provide residential care for adults and children with learning 
difficulties, as well as providing education in their local community. I first started making scarves 
with them in 2014 raising funds for supplies for the workshop

I'm back in South Africa in September 2018. I've funded my own trip and will be staying with friends as I've done previously, since we relocated to Dubai.

What I'll be doing as well as visiting and supporting Kungwini and Santa Shoebox is to visit the 
children in the townships that I've met through these organisations over the years and bring a little  
extra happiness into their lives.

This could be through painting a classroom, holding a birthday party, donating toiletries and or 
educational supplies and I'd like you to help me succeed by donating £5 in exchange for a handmade scarf. That's it, that's all you have to do, just visit my PayPal account and donate.

In exchange for your £5, I'll select a scarf at random that I've made and post it to you. I'll tweet out a 
thank you, post the total amount raised, provide invoices and post photos online (with permission) of 
the children who have received your donation. Every penny raised will be spent directly on children 
living in poverty.

Visit my Paypal account, donate and then message me with your address on:


  1. Your scarves are beautiful. What a wonderful thing that you're doing. Thanks for sharing with us at #TriumphantTales, we'd love to see you back again next week.

  2. What a fantastic thing you are doing....
    My girls primary school used to do the shoeboxes at Christmas and it always left me feeling happy that I was helping at least one child.
    Those scarfs are beautiful x #PoCoLo

  3. There is a church near me doing this same project. Such a good thing. #pocolo
    Tracy www.viewfromthe

    1. It’s amazing to watch their faces when often it’s the only gift they ever get

  4. This is such a lovely idea - I try to do what I can, but I've never done anything on this scale. How amazing!

    1. thanks, it was my 'full time' job when we lived in SA as a volunteer

  5. What a worthwhile thing to do and help others in need X #pocolo

