Saturday, 3 August 2019

One Daily Positive - Week 31 Sydney to Melbourne and the Great Ocean Road

Can't believe I've been here only 10 days and done and seen so much. It would appear child 3 has inherited my passion and drive in life to explore and get things done.

I've no idea if my son will settle here permanently so I'm treating this visit as the one and only trip I'll ever make and making the most of seeing everything, albeit briefly, rather than one or two things in detail.

There has been a lot of driving, I'm keeping a written diary of places we've visited and miles we've covered on foot and in the car. We're either driving along the coast of through the forests and occasional open plains. Through the wine and cheese regions, we haven't stopped though. We've driven a total of 1971kms this week.

Finally saw some live animals in Philips Island, the roadkill of kangaroos, wallabies and wombat is huge. The birds are amazing in size, variety and colour also.

It's been much colder since leaving Sydney, around 14c in the day and 4c at night. I've had to purchase a wooly hat and some tights. Thankfully all the accommodation has heating in it.

209 Sunday Sydney to Jervis It was warm enough to change into shorts and t shirt in the car park, much to child 3's disgust. We drove through a national park and stopped at several beaches, stopping at Otford for lunch then a visit to Fo Guang Shan Nan Tien Temple before heading off to Kiama lighthouse and blow hole.

210 Monday Jervis to Eden Drove through Batemans Bay stopping at Malva Bay for a coffee. We took a detour to Tilba an historical village for a lunch stop.

211 Tuesday Eden to Phillips Island Penguin Parade. It was a 7 hour drive. We weren't allowed to take photo's due to the camera lights and flashes, but here's a bonus photo from the website.

212 Wednesday Philips Island. Visited the Koala sanctuary, they are now officially my new favourite animal. Visited a cultural working farm and stayed in for the evening.

213 Thursday Philips Island to Lorne. It's been great sharing the driving. Jamie drove the first part through Melbourne. It was cold and windy today, visited a light house and a chocolate factory and spent the evening doing the laundry, a walk along the beach and an early night.

214 Friday Lorne to Warrnambool. A busy and full on day starting with Teddy's lookout, Sheoak falls where I saw my first kangaroo, coffee stop and climbed a lighthouse. We visited the 12 apostles and went on Loch Ard Gorge beach, arriving late to our accommodation.

215 Saturday We stopped at Port Fairy to see another lighthouse, take our last walk on the beach, saw wallabies and drove north to the Grampians. On our way we had a mad idea to climb Mount Sturgeon which is 553ms high. It took just over 3 hours. It is rated as a hard climb. We then drove to Halls Gap, had lunch, stocked up on supplies and spent the night at Lake Fyans.

On the blog this week:

Sydney to Melbourne and Phillips Island.

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  1. Wow! It really does sound like you are making the most of your time in Australia. You really have seen all the sights.
    I never thought of penguins being in Australia. lol Koalas are so cute. x

    1. I am enjoying every minute. I knew there were penguins here, but they are Fairy penguins and not much bigger than a tin of beans

  2. What an amazing adventure to share with your son!

  3. Wow! What an incredible week. You've seen so much. That photo of the koalas is so cute. Well done on conquering the mountain!

  4. Gosh, how wonderful to do and see so much in a week! The scenery is beautiful. I imagine seeing penguins was a magic experience, and those koalas look so cuddly and cute. You're so adventurous, climbing the Mount on the spur. I'm in awe!

    1. I may only ever visit here the once so might as well do everything it has to offer

  5. that is a lot of mileage, but quite right to treat it as possibly the only visit, if you do get to come back then you can see more in more detail.
    Well done on the hill climb and getting to the top.
    I would imagine road kill kangaroo would damage your vehicle.

    1. My DIL hit a deer 2 weeks ago, wrote her car off, the wombats must be like hitting a breeze block

  6. Busy week, but nice to be able to see so much in such a large area. Sounds like it's been a wonderful time.

    1. it has been totally amazing and so lovely for my son to show me round his home

  7. your photos have been amazing ever since you arrived, we've loved following your adventure and nice to have quality time with your son too. #365

    1. it's been an amazing trip, i shall be sad to leave

  8. Hi Suzanne, your head must be spinning fitting everything in and those cooler temperatures must be a bit of a blessing to what you're used to? The photo of the koalas hugging is so cute... Did you manage to slip one in your pocket?


    1. My son keeps frisking me when we leave places

  9. Oh wow sounds like an amazing week! I am like you and see a lot of places and send a short amount of time there rather then only see a couple of places! Love the pic of the cute

    1. I had the most amazing trip and can't wait to go back and visit again

  10. What a fantastic time you had with your son. That looks like such a great place to see. I bet you can't wait to go back xx

