Sunday, 11 August 2019

Phillip Island to Port Fairy and the Great Ocean Road

Phillip Island to Port Fairy is a 5 hour drive and just over 400km. But we didn't go direct, choosing to take the Great Ocean Road with plenty of stop off on route and spending a night in Lorne and a night in Warrnambool. Phillips Island is 90km south west of Melbourne.

Our first stop was Torquay, then Bells Beach and a stop at The Great Ocean Road Chocolaterie, before driving through Anglesea and stopping at Airey's Inlet to see the light house. All the stops we made had cafes, toilets, and at least one point you could reach the beach if you had limited mobility or are travelling with small children. Signage was good telling you of the number of the steps, the difficulty of the climb and alternative routes for view points on even ground.

Airey's inlet

Good to see the fire rating as low.

The amount and variety of birds were saw was stunning, these Galah's are now my new favourite bird, after the penguins of course.

Day 2.

Leaving Lorne we drove to Teddy's Look out. Our route took us along the coast the whole way, views and the drive was spectacular.

Stopped at Sheoak Falls.
At 90% of the stops you are warned not to walk off the track due to snakes.

Saw my first live kangaroo

Visited Cape Otway Lighthouse, 156 ups and so worth the view.

Stopped briefly at the 12 apostles.

Went down to the beach at Lord Arc Gorge which has to be my favourite stop on this drive, it was simply stunning.

After a stopover in Warrnambool for the night, we drove to Port Fairy in the pouring rain to Griffiths Island to see wallabies and another lighthouse

After this stop we headed inland through the Grampians on our way back to Melbourne.


  1. Hi Suzanne, what stunning scenery! It's easy to see why the Lord Arc Gorge was your favourite - simply breathtaking... The galah's look like a type of cockatoo that have been dipped headfirst into a pot of paint. Very cute. Enjoy the rest of your trip and stay safe!


    1. The Galah's are my new favourite bird, so funny scurrying along the ground

  2. Such wonderful photos! Some of those place names made it sound like you were driving here in the UK! :)

    1. It did feel like that but geographically it threw me

  3. What beautiful pictures! You are really seeing some great sights in Australia. Love those exotic birds too. Have a good rest of your trip!

  4. This looks beautiful - and your photos are great! #pocolo

  5. Looks like a great journey - and love the galahs too - but you can't beat seeing your first kangaroo! Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo

    1. It was a great trip, more to link up in following weeks

