Saturday 24 August 2019

One Daily Positive - Week 34. A week in Dubai

I've not mentioned my health recently, but that doesn't mean to say it's improved. The driving and flights around Australia have taken their toll on me this week. I did suffer with headaches and increased chronic pain but when you're having an adventure that over rides everything else. Back in Dubai so back to the Doctors and an endoscope this week.

Most days are just ticking over, so just assume every morning involves sweeping sand from somewhere, walking the dog, washing and/or ironing, swimming and some house work. Followed by a coffee out and some blogging, letter writing and cooking. This is usually all achieved by midday as I start my day around 5am for the outdoor stuff to get done before it gets too hot. This might sound like a lot, but Peter doesn't come home until 6pm, there's a lot of just doing nothing and being alone in the house.

230 Sunday After completing my daily chore list and having coffee, I spent the afternoon tidying up the house, sorting clothes for charity and finding new homes for a lot of unwanted stuff we've accumulated. Caught up with Neighbours, Corrie and Eastenders for the week and filed some paperwork, waiting for Peter to get home.

It feels much cooler out in the mornings before 8am, so dog walks are getting longer.

231 Monday Nil by mouth after midnight and the Doctors for 8.30am for an Endoscope. Have posted an update in the facebook group for Project 365, too long winded for here. Spent the rest of the day on the sofa on facebook and watching The Good Wife, an early night.

Early evening supervising Bob outside

232 Tuesday Off to the dog park for the morning, the usual crowd was there and a few new faces, went out in the evening to get signatures witnessed for some paperwork needed in the UK.

Getting nearer to their dinner time so not moving far from my sight.

233 Wednesday I did the food shop, getting home around midday. I needed a pee, to get changed, have a drink and put the fridge stuff away quickly. I was so hot. In the evening we went to the Premier Inn and Mr Toads for the weekly Pub Quiz, came 3rd. Booked car hire, flights and hotels for Peter and I for the wedding of child 4 and the birth of our first grandchild next month.

Always pestering me for food.

234 Thursday Decided to visit the Marina Mall this morning, fed up of going to the same coffee shop. A whole roundabout disappeared over night, a big one, diversion and new road layout in place but not signposted yet. Did a bit of retail therapy and came home for a lie down.

235 Friday Headed out to Dubai Mall for breakfast at IHOP, a bit of a challenge as I can't eat wheat anymore but staff were brilliant and we found something. Wandered around for a couple of hours, but didn't buy anything. Baked a gluten free cake in the afternoon.

Most of Dubai had rain late afternoon, all we had was a thunder storm.

236 Saturday Up early and batched cooked some soup, then sat in front of the tv. Popped out to Abu Dhabi on a beer run. Supervised Bob in the garden in the heat.

On the blog this week:

I was asked to contribute to an article about grief on finding Peace and Reflection

More on my trip to Australia with child 3 Port Fairy to Melbourne, via the Grampians.

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  1. Even just ticking over most days you still sound busy.
    hahaha! Your cat is like my kids - Always pesterign me for food. lol
    Ohh! Kate Spade is a fancy shop! I've heard about it from people on YouTube but never bought anything from there. x

    1. So many fancy shops to chosse from here in Dubai. The cat never stops

  2. I really hope the wheat free diet will make a difference to your health. How exciting that the birth of the grandchild and the wedding are getting so close! Love the photo of Bob and the cat waiting for their food.

    1. I hope so two, not feeling any change at the moment though, very excited for the next stage being grandparents

  3. Hope the wheat free thing gets easier. Must be nice knowing the mornings are getting cooler. Exciting getting ready for Grandchild' birth.

    1. Just when i thought the mornings were getting cooler the temp has shot back up

  4. It must be good to be able to take the dog for longer walks now. Hope you settle into the new diet quickly.

  5. sensible to get out before it gets to warm. I guess the days must be long and boring.
    Wow at a roundabout disappearing overnight.
    I remember when they built the one we come round to get to the village, was 2 years, yes years, in the building and all it did was made it easier to turn right so not cutting across bypass traffic and risking life and limb. Also made me wonder as when it was first opened there was a massive spate of accidents of people actually driving into it as it was unlit as it is part of the flight path for landing planes that come in very low over your head. They have since lit it and added massive warning signs.
    You will be very exciting about the baby.

    1. very excited for the upcoming baby and other sons wedding this month, more changes on the road today a whole new route for the dog park was in place but I didn't realise until I'd driven past it on my normal trip

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Shows how quick its possible to do something if people put their minds to it. We had a whole week for them to put a new round a bout in near my youngest's nursery. Exciting getting ready for the arrival of your grandchild. Hope the diet changes are starting to help. I have only recently discovered Kate Spade although not brought anything yet but everything I saw in London was lovely. A treat every now and again is always good x

    1. Kate Spade is a must lol. Very excited about the grandchild and another sons wedding this month. Diet is going well but since stopping the carbs I'm craving sugars

  8. That is very exciting getting ready for the arrival of your grandchild. I hope the diet changes are helping. How is the pain in the teeth? xx

    1. Teeth pain much better after wisdom tooth extraction, diet is easy to follow but I'm craving sugars

  9. Had to pop over to the FB group to read the update. I am glad you are finally getting answers and hopefully the wheat free diet helps!

    The photo of them waiting for their food reminded me of Rosie! She does the same!

    1. the wheat free diet is weird, since I stopped the carbs I've been craving sugars

  10. I'd advise lots of jacket potato and rice to get the carbs and energy you need. There are fab GF pastas in the UK but not sure what Dubai is like! #project365

    1. Thanks for the tips. We can get everything in Dubai, but I'm finding I don't need to substitute things as it's wheat not gluten so can still eat, oats, barley etc

