Friday, 26 June 2020

Post Comment Love - 26th - 29th June 2020

Happy Birthday to last year before I turn 50, however seeing as this virus has messed up so many plans for people this year, I've decided birthdays in lockdown don't count. We had planned to go on a cruise for my 50th, but we've cancelled plans to do that, instead I will be celebrating my 50th at a friends wedding that they've rescheduled from last week to next year, however they have to find a new venue as the one they were planning on is not reopening their doors.

It's getting easier for me to return to Dubai and for my husband to visit me here, but we're not prepared to risk a 7 hour flight, no matter how much we miss one another.

I've been seeing more of my friends and family who live near by, all garden visits, things are feeling a bit more normal, not the old normal, but a new one, which we all seem to be enjoying and making the most of. Not sure what we'll do when the winter weather comes, I'll have to invest in a gazebo and a patio heater, I've even been looking at purchasing a couple of fishing tents.

I visited our eldest son, his wife and grandchild yesterday, at 10 months old they're not really aware on how much they're missing out on with family. But last week, Thing 3 had to ask who I was when he saw me after my niece told him someone was at the door for him. I've linked up to #pocolo this week with Forgetting Aunty Suzanne.

Stephanie and I would love to know what you've been up to this week.

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  1. So many plans scuppered. My brother-in-law was due to get married. That's been moved to next year too. Have the best weekend possible xx

  2. Happy Happy Happy birthday to you... and many more!😊

