Friday, 20 July 2012

Get your arse into gear

This is the email I sent to London 2012 this morning. Click here and here for other blog posts relating to this shambles.

I'm very disappointed that you have not replied to my email below since sending out an auto response on the 5th July.

I do appreciate you are busy what with the Olympic Games approaching in less than a week. But I too am also busy with a family, volunteer work and living 6000 miles away in South Africa.

I need to book a flight, arrange child care, find somewhere to stay, all at considerable expense to myself (as it is to all the other games makers) to enable me to volunteer my time of around 10 hours a day for 2 weeks plus travel time.

I hope you appreciate that despite feeling 3rd place having not already been selected as a Games maker, I'm still here, pathetically hanging on to any shred of hope that after 2 years of waiting you might want or need my services.

All I ask is that with only 1 week to go after 10 years of planning, is that you should be in a position to know by now if you have enough games makers and at the very least have the decency to make regular contact with those of us, just hanging around, putting our lives on hold on a whim that someone at London 2012 might actually think 'oh yeah, we need to let those poor people know and thank them for their dedication'

Please do not send an automated reply. I think it's probably about time a human got in touch.

I look forward to waiting for your response, but I am not hopeful.




  1. Go you! I registered to be a volunteer years ago before I had kids. It seems that London wants to host the games and all but doesn't seem to be that organized, if you watch all the stories in the News.

    1. I've got nothing to lose now, I'm being nice, but I feel that they are being rather rude and expecting me to drop everything at considerable expense to fill someone elses shoes is not acceptable at this stage.

  2. And here is the automated response...note the time and date and I'll let you know as and when they reply

    Autoresponse: Thank you for contacting London 2012 online customer services CaseID#305486#‏
    Sent: 20 July 2012 07:04:53

    Thanks for contacting the Games Maker Support Centre. If you are contacting us with changes to your availability during a TestEvent / Test Event training, please call us on 0845 402 2012. If you're contacting us about anything else we will respond to your queryas soon as possible

  3. Just logged into the Gamesmaker web site to read this

    Please remember to log in to the Games Maker zone regularly for updates - and don't forget to keep an eye on your inbox as we'll be emailing you regularly.

    Yeah right

  4. Generic email from London 2012 this morning

    We're ready. Are you?

    Well according to the gamesmaker (not so helpful) help line yesterday, they are still allocating roles for both games.

