Sunday, 11 January 2015

Week 2 of One Daily Positive, Project365, FMSPHOTOADAY, Snap Happy Brit Mums

Week 2

Well this week has ended much better than I could’ve hoped for. The house we’ve rented is now ready for us to move into, although we don’t have the residency visas yet, so our container sits in storage at the docks until we can clear customs and our air freight is still in South Africa, a total waste of time and money.

Having decided on New Year I was going to take back seat and try to relax and enjoy dubai a little bit more, this week has seen me out and about using the public transport daily. More luck than judgement and a lot of going round in circles but with the NOL silver travel card it really isn’t expensive, just time consuming and I'm sure I'm getting to see much more of Dubai than a tourist would.

One or two wasted journeys, like a visit to Dubai outlet mall, never heard of half the shops and besides the big sales are on here from Jan 1st till Feb 1st which are called the Dubai Shopping Festival and in it's 20th year and such bargains to be had. It’s the 19 year olds birthday soon and he's parted me from my money in a variety of shops and I’m on the look out for a gas double oven as houses don’t come with them included as part of the fittings, you get kitchen cupboards and bathroom suites and anything and everything the previous tenants left behind, including a really ugly water feature that I’m going to drag out to the bin.

Tying together #fmsphotoaday and #snaphappybritmums incorportating #onedailypositive into #project365 here are my photos for the week

Day 5 #square and #8am 

Living in a hotel is tedious especially as you approach your 5th week in one. The novelty of eating out is now a chore night after night. My daily positive is to appreciate the simple things in life, so at 8am it’s tea and toast

Day 6 #round #frost/ #ice/ #snow

A visit to Ski Dubai at the Mall of Emirates. Although I haven’t actually been yet, in fact the one and only time I went skiing was to Gloucester ski slope pre kids and my eldest is now 22. I’ve cheated with #round as in I stood and watched the ski lifts go round and round and I'm sure some people never got off, were just there for the ride. There’s no frost/ice/snow in Dubai, it’s the middle of winter and 25c. The last time I saw any snow was in South Africa in 2012 when it snowed in Pretoria for the first time since 1963. I very much doubt it’ll ever snow here.
My daily positive today is to take what life offers you and to embrace it

Day 7 #onedailypositive #project365 #currentlyreading #fmsphotoaday #lookingdown #snaphappybritmums

Studying the bus timetable from the hotel bedroom. My daily positive is to stop stressing out with where I’m trying to go and where I actually end up and just enjoy the ride.

Day 8 #landscape #I’mReading

A tough one this, could’ve just reposted yesterdays picture, but no I am taking this challenge seriously. I’m searching for cafes and places with free wifi until we move into our new home. I’m saving #project365 blog posts to read while I'm out and about in case I can’t find any wifi, but today I’ve managed to incoperate both themes and a daily positive with very little effort. I’ve walked 10 minutes from the house for coffee and wifi to read. This is my daily positive, that I can just do this.

Day 9 #pattern #greatoutdoors

I’m trying to take a picture each day on the day, but this is one from earlier on this week whilst driving to the outlet mall, the trip itself may have been pointless but the scenery was amazing and this pattern of trees broke up the highway for at least 2 miles, we tried counting them, but gave up pretty soon. My daily positive is that this arrangement of trees reminded me of our holiday to Egypt in 2009, not trees but an avenue of sphinxs marking the path from the temple of Luxor to the temple of Karnak and it made hubby and I start discussing our next holiday toghether, probably to Istanbul in March/April

Day 10 #hello #countryside

Well this is my new country side, about 15kms outside the city and into the desert, miles upon miles of sand. I was very surprised to see these 2 camels just strolling along and it was a few minutes before I actually spotted them. My daily positive is that this may not be south Africa and I may not have wanted to leave there, but there are so many unknown things here in the UAE for me to discover and explore

Day 11 #Isee #muddy 


It rarely rains here in Dubai so I don’t expect to see a lot of mud and the ground is sand anyway. The house we’ve rented is now ready to move into. The rent was paid and contract signed on the 7th December, due to the landlady failing to check that the work had been carried out on the house, the relocation person and rental agent being on holiday and us arriving on Dec 19th in the middle of the holiday period the house remained like this until this week, even though we cant move in it yet due to our container being in storage until we get our residency visas, we can at least now visit the house twice a day to feed the cat and dog and it is clean, with running water so we can use the loo and wash the dogs bowls and blankets without getting covered in dirt and filth. Todays positive is to ‘let it go’ let the negativity go and accept that this is what happened and nothing other than the endless calls and emails would’ve have sorted it out any earlier.


  1. Glad to hear things are being sorted now and you're feeling more positive. It must feel like quite an adventure getting out and seeing things every day. Love the photo of the camels.

    1. i have to get out of the hotel and thankfully the public transport is very cheap

  2. Sounds very stressful moving and settling in (while waiting for house/visas etc) but like how you're also looking for the positives. How cool capturing the camels out in the 'countryside'!

    1. after our move to South Africa, we were better prepared in dealing with the agencies and HR

  3. Certainly a different way of life out there than back here in the UK! Well done for trying not to let the moving into your rented home, storage woes get to you! #365

    1. Jo, we've just moved from South Africa after 4 years away so my mind compares it with there not the UK

  4. glad things are moving in the right direction with your new home,hope you get your storage items soon :)

    1. as soon as the furniture arrives you'll hear me squeal with delight

  5. Look forward to read all about your new adventure and hope you are home soon. Living in hotel sounds great, no cooking, no cleaning being waited on but can see after a period of time you just want your own space to sit back and relax in. Hope the house is ready soon and your belongs are with you soon.

  6. Good spot on the camels! I get twitchy staying in a hotel for three days never mind 5 weeks!! I hope everything gets sorted swiftly and smoothly from here on in and you get settled soon :)

    1. it was a good 10 minutes before i saw the camels

  7. I hope all the bits get sorted soon - how exciting though! Dubai looks such a beautiful place, love how you have camels not far away!!

    1. im not sure how common it is to see camels, whether they're wild or owned

  8. Love the camel photo, how wonderful to just be able to jump on the public transport and go wherever it takes you !

    1. i've been to places i'd never choose to go whilst sorting this bus route out

  9. It sounds very stressful but exciting at the same time.....
    Lovely photos....So interesting x

  10. Love the photos and glad to read your move is slowly coming together.

  11. Love the camels. It must be so hard living in a hotel for 5 weeks but at least you have beautiful views.

