Monday, 5 January 2015

Homework with teenagers

Homework with teenagers

Let me just say this one thing. Homework should be banned. I am a mother to 5 children and a I’m a teacher; I rarely set homework, research maybe.

The reason being is I am not my children’s teacher when it comes to homework. I learnt maths differently than they did, I had to go to the library to research things and I don’t believe just ‘googling’ something is always accurate.

When the kids come home from school with their home/coursework, the teacher does not provide me with a copy of their aims and objectives for the lesson and kids being kids (well mine anyway) do the absolute minimum necessary to complete their homework.

What is annoying me at the moment is my son’s private school, who we pay to educate him in boarding school and who know we are in the middle of relocating from South Africa to Dubai over Christmas have sent over tonnes of home/coursework for him to complete. Most of it has to be completed online and the hotel wifi isn’t the best in regards to speed for downloading and connectivity.

As with the other children I’m fighting a battle to get this work down, he sits GCSE’s in 2015 then A levels. I had the same battles eith the other children, it hasn’t got any easier, I’m still wondering why I’m paying all this money for my sons education, especially as I only see him 4 times a year maximum and the entire visit each time, I’m nagging him to do homework..

Hubby has a solution he offered to the 15 year old this week, after seeing the pressure I was under that if he passes his GCSE’s to include English and Maths, he’ll buy him an Iphone 6 plus.

Now I wish I’d thought of bribary earlier. It would have saved a lot of hassle.

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