Thursday, 19 November 2015

Back in Dubai for winter with #HDYGG?

After 5 weeks in South Africa, and there is more to come on that over the next few weeks, I was surprised to see how well the garden was doing without me. While there is a drought in South Africa and the temperatures hotter than Dubai, it was raining here last week. Only a few drops, but along with the cooler weather and the gardener visiting everyday, you can see how much the grass has grown and how the bougainvillaea has returned to it's original white cooler now the ground temps have cooled.

The golf estate where we used to live in South Africa

Sowing grass seed

Two months later

The bougainvillaea  started to turn pink as the ground temperature heated up

Returned to white now summer is over

Everything is covered in a layer of dust. I will be repotting the cups and tea posts with succulents and moving the existing plants back into the sand pit.

I had intended on really throwing myself into developing the garden over the winter, but I start work on Sunday for the first time in 5 years and I really don't think I'm going to have the time or energy for the big plans and ideas I had in mind. I will attempt to grow some tomatoes and herbs and plant the remaining seeds, but I think it will be more of chuck it all in together and quite literally see what comes up.

In the meantime now the weather has cooled I'm enjoying the evenings outside with the doors open to let some of the cool air into the house.

I am going to have a go at getting some grass seed to grow in this patch, it will cost AED2000/£350 to have turf laid but much less to grow my own grass from seed.

The next few weeks posts for #HDYGG? are from South Africa as I have so many photos to show you, hopefully by the time I've finished with those there will be further development in the garden here, I will have settled down into the new job and the Miracle Gardens will have reopened so I can show case the delights of real gardening in Dubai.

Does anyone know what this is called? It's a new flower that has come out since I've been away.


  1. Oh my I can certainly see a difference from before you left. The grass is looking good.
    So a new job ey? Congratulations :)

    I'm looking forward to the Africa posts, I think I left part of my heart there, such a beautiful country.

    Thanks for joining in again lovely x

    1. thank you, it's in a school supporting Special needs Children, the weather is much cooler now and even some rain while I was away. Next weeks post is township gardening

  2. Ooh it sounds like things are very exciting with you at the moment. Good luck with your new job. Your garden is looking lovely. I have no idea about the flower but it's certainly beautiful!x

    1. I saw the flower at the garden centre on the weekend and now have completely forgotten what it is called

  3. Nice to see those pink flowers still going. I can imagine just how good sitting with the doors open in the evening feels after all that heat. Looks cosy with a candle on too.

    1. i have to remember to bring the candle's in a night as the sun is still very hot and melts them during the day

  4. It must be a relief all round to have cooler temperatures especially when you can see the garden doing well because of it. It's good to see real grass in Dubai!

    1. i'm really enjoying the cooler weather in the evenings but the days are still very hot

  5. I didn't realise that bougainvillea changes colour with the soil temperature- what a clever (and beautiful) thing :) good luck with the job X #hdygg

    1. oh yes, they turned a really deep pink at one point

