Wednesday, 11 November 2015

What have your children asked for this Christmas

I've seen lots of Christmas wish lists being written to Santa over the past few weeks, parents taking photographs of children snuggled up in bed reading the Argos catalogue.

I read about parents worrying how they are going to afford christmas this year and have seen the face book post that is doing the rounds how parents must only give the children small gifts from Santa.

I contacted a facility last week in South Africa, a children's home, with 17 kids, living in Pretoria who have been abandoned, absurd, orphaned or the parents haven't had the money to look after their children.

Some children are reunited with their wider families, some fostered, some adopted. Some of the children have been in the home for a long time.

I asked the house mother for a christmas wish list, I said I probably couldn't afford to buy everything on the list, but I'm hoping one or two of you would like to donate via Go Fund Me or Paypal to help make their wish come true.

I've already collected a few bits and pieces from various places, but here is the list if you can help in anyway.

You'll see it's more of a 'need' than a 'want' and very basic

Boy 12
Rugby Ball, Pyjamas, slippers, sandals and some nice clothes for church.

Girl 9
Doll, Puzzle, Teddy, Pyjamas, slippers, sandals and nice cloths for church

Girl 7
Horse toys, teddy, doll, pyjamas, slippers, dress and jeans

Girl 4
Doll, teddy, t shirt, jeans, sandals, dress, underwear, pyjamas and slippers

Boy 13
Sandals, pyjamas, slippers and clothes for church

Girl 8
Doll, dress, sandals, teddy, pyjamas and slippers

Girl 13
Teddy, long dress, heels, ballet lessons

Girl 6
Doll, teddy and tea set

Girl 14
Sandals, dress and money for her operation

Boy 14
Sandals, pyjamas, slippers and clothes for church

Boy 10
Cricket set, pyjamas, slippers, sandals, clothes for church

Girl 6
Clothes for church, shoes and a bag

Girl 12
Jeans, hat, shirt and shoes

Boy 3
Toy car, sandals and nappies

Girl 17
Dress and sandals

Girl 15
Clothes and shoes for church

Girl 10
Clothes and shoes for church


  1. Growing up in the place and time I did Christmas was never about presents. It was mostly get a new outfit and shoes, church and lots of eating and spending time with family and friends. And that's the way we've kept it and hope to keep it that way.

    Only catching up on this now? Do you still
    Need any of these items?

    1. all done and delivered now, it's amazing the difference between the majority of the kids in SA and the whole of Africa and those in the Uk, europe etc

