Saturday, 21 November 2015

Week 47 - Project 365

Well I'm back in Dubai, those 5 weeks in South Africa just flew by and very sadly, after 5 years my Santa Shoebox Story comes to an end. As from next Sunday I will be back in the world of paid work after a 5 year absence and won't be able to take the time off I need to visit SA at this time of year again, who knows what may happen though between now and then? never say never. 

Sunday was spent at the Tshwane Place of Safety Christmas Party, the afternoon saying good bye to friends.

Day 319 #onedailypositive #flying #fmsphotoaday#coat #snaphappybritmums #project365 Sunday was very windy, lots of debris flying around, but no sign of the rain.

Monday was meant to be my day of rest and R&R. I had my hair dyed in the morning and my nails painted in the afternoon, in between I visited the sports shop to buy myself some new swim wear and the early evening at Peas in a Pod, a home for abused children where I delivered their Christmas presents purchased from individual donations online.

Day 320 #onedailypositive #bottle #fmsphotoaday #me #snaphappybritmums #project365

Tuesday was fly to Dubai day. Some of my closest friends joined me for lunch at the airport before some very emotional goodbyes. I had 3 seats to myself for the flight from Joburg and I managed to get a fair amount of sleep. In Doha, I carelessly dropped my passport and a young man came and found me to return it. As soon as I get home the Christmas decorations are coming out the garage after the flood and I will be getting them ready with all the new bits and pieces I bought on my travels ready to decorate the house December 1st. Today's blog post was about the Rhino dehorning project at Rietvlei.

Day 321 #onedailypositive #triangle #fmsphotoaday#wood #snaphappybritmums #project365

Wednesday was a loooong day. I landed at 4.15am and it was 2 hours before I cleared passport control and customs as I needed to get my new residency visa stamped on entry to Dubai. I got a taxi home and by 7.30am I was fast asleep in bed having dispatched hubby to work and the put the cat and dog outside. After unpacking and putting everything away we headed off to Dubai Marina and The Beach for dinner at The Real Madrid Cafe with colleagues of hubbies who are visiting from the States, UK and South Africa.

Day 322 #onedailypositive #flora #fmsphotoaday#cuddle #snaphappybritmums #project365 back in Dubai and there's nothing more native to the UAE than a Date Palm

Thursday was a rush around the medical centre for blood tests and chest X-rays for the new residency visa, as soon as this arrives I can make the application for my labour card so I can work, I've no idea how long this process will take, but I seem to be getting the hang of what and how to do things here in Dubai. I spent the afternoon snoozing, sorting photo's, blogging and just enjoying the cooler air. Today's #HDYGG plans are all on hold.

Day 323 #onedailypositive #fauna #fmsphotoaday #eat#snaphappybritmums #project365 despite camels being the fauna of the desert they're difficult to find. This camel can be found @thebeachdubai but I don't suspect he eats much other than electricity

On Friday we took Bob into the desert for a run around, after his bath back at home hubby and I headed off to the golf to watch the Race to Dubai. We were at Sun City last year where the tournament started and we saw Danny Willet win the Nedbank Trophy. 

Day 324 #onedailypositive #me #fmsphotoaday #MyView #snaphappybritmums #project365 My View is much better than Rory Mcilroy's view from the bunker on the9th #RaceToDubai #DPWorld #Golf#europeantour #Emirates #jumeirah @7daysuae #Rolex #dubai #mydubai#DPWTC

Saturday was get 'ready for work day' I'm neither excited or nervous about returning to work after so long. the volunteer work I did in South Africa for 5 years was full time and a little stressful on occasions, I just didn't receive an income from it. I guess this is just another change in routine and my lifestyle that I may take a while to adapt to. We went out for brunch, did a food shop, I ironed and blogged in the afternoon and had a nice long soak in the bath before going to bed early.

Day 325 #onedailypositive #OldAndNew#fmsphotoaday #toys #snaphappybritmums#project365 there are another 7 large storage containers packed full of Lego we've dragged from the UK to South Africa and the UAE most of it is new(er) Lego from when the kids were small and some of it is 40 years old(er) from when I was a child. We are saving it now for when we have grandkids.


  1. What a week! It must have felt sad to leave South Africa and the Santa Shoebox project knowing that you probably won't be able to do it again.
    Glad you didn't lose your passport. Love that you manage to capture Rory McIlroy in your pic.
    Good luck with the job!

    1. it was hard to leave, but i'm hopeful i'll be able to stay involved as there is lots of online work that has to be done all year round, the new job is going well

  2. Hi Suzanne, I can't believe that your five weeks in South Africa is up already? It's scary how time flies and I hope you managed to achieve everything you hoped to whilst there.

    Going back to work must be quite nerve racking for you, but once you are in the swing of it I'm sure it'll be fun... And there I was thinking that I was the only person to still have Lego from when they were young. I very nearly gave it away a couple of years back when we had a big clear out, but I'm so glad I didn't although I am sure it would have made some little child happy, but some things I just couldn't part with.


    1. the kids have made me promise i'll never give away/sell their lego, the new job is going well, some lovely people I'm working with

  3. It will be nice to be home in some respects but sad in others. Who knows maybe the company will give you an extended leave to do the shoe boxes again next year. Hope you enjoy the new job and settle in well.
    That is a lot of lego bricks, but you are quite right to hold onto it it is so expensive to replace.

    1. the new job is going well, work haven't asked about my trip yet, but i'm hopeful i can get it to pop up in conversation

