Thursday, 5 November 2015

HDYGG in Jacaranda City aka Pretoria

The nickname for Pretoria is Jacaranda City. There's a hospital and radio station also called Jacaranda and it is named so as the streets are lined with Jacaranda Mimosifolia.

I'd have loved to have taken more photos on my travels in Pretoria this spring, but just stopping on the side of the road in South Africa to whip out an expensive camera and take photographs is really not recommended. I certainly don't want to risk getting hijacked just to show you the lovely purpleness of the city.

Jacarandas aren't native to here and are considered an invader, introduced from Brazil in 1829 there is now a total ban on planting any new trees, but existing Jacarandas do not have to be eradicated. it is estimated that there are 70,000 Jacarandas growing around the city. They are in full flower between September and November which is spring time in South Africa.


  1. they are such beautiful trees. love their color. glad you played it safe yet got some good shots

    1. sadly all the flowers are finished now, it's such a short season, spring

  2. Ah what a beautiful invader they are! That must be such a sight to walk below those purple blossoms, stunning stuff.
    Thank you for joining in again and I do hope things are going well where you are. I've been catching up from time to time on Facebook - looks like you are very busy!

    1. very busy indeed but it is very difficult to visit South Africa and sit still

  3. What striking trees! It's unusual to see trees with such purple flowers on them but I guess if you live there you must think every city is like this! I've always thought South Africa looked liked such a beautiful country but it is such a shame that so much of it is still gripped by violence and crime.

    1. they are gorgeous, but sadly the flower is short lived

  4. What a beautiful - and unusual - colour, I've been to Pretoria but sadly can't remember these beauties - I wish I did! #hdygg

    1. they're only in bloom september till november and really colour the landscape

  5. Wow - what a beautiful tree to welcome spring.

    1. i wish i could've taken more photos but it's not safe to be stopping on the side of the road in SA

  6. We have a bunch of these trees all over Southern California. They are beautiful, but quite messy! I'm glad you stayed safe while taking this beautiful photographs. Thank you for sharing on the #MyGloriousGardens September link party!

  7. I love jacaranda trees. They have them in Spain and I think they are beautiful. Thank you for linking to the September #MyGloriousGardens lovely.

    1. they are so very pretty, sadly i missed seeing them in full bloom this year

  8. Jacaranda is such a great word! Shame they're invasive over there #MyGloriousGardens

  9. Hi Suzanne! I picked this post as my feature for the October #MyGloriousGardens link party!

