Saturday, 28 November 2015

Week 48 - Project 365

I am exhausted and thankful that next week is only a 2 day working week for me. It'll only be my 2nd week in my new job, which is the first job I've had since December 2010. I leave home every morning at 6.30am and return at 4.45pm, depending on traffic. it's normally a 30 minute drive but it rained on Tuesday and it took me 2 hours to get home.

Sunday I started work, bright and early, had a row with the car parking attendant, who told where I couldn't park and I ended up on some waste land, a 10 minute walk from the school. In the evening I cleaned a bathroom and our bedroom. My Sunday Photo was from Saturdays trip to the golf and The Race to Dubai that we saw the start of in South Africa last year.

Day 326 #onedailypositive #composition #fmsphotoaday #work#snaphappybritmums #project365 Composition, written discourse, to include visuals. I start my first day at work today at a school in Dubai. I have my lunch box, I am wearing suitable clothing, loose change in case I have to contribute to the tea/coffee fund or there is a cafe near by at break time, note pad and pen and a pack of tissues as I know the air con will give me the sniffles.

Monday I'm informed that I can't on any waste ground, just certain bits of waste ground. In the evening I cleaned the conservatory, kitchen and dining room.

Day 327 #onedailypositive #cut #fmsphotoaday #pink #snaphappybritmums #project365

Tuesday I'm informed that I can't actually park where I was told to park yesterday by the same guy. In the evening I cleaned the lounge, study and hall way. This weeks Animal Tales is Birds in the Garden in South Africa.

Day 328 #onedailypositive #go #fmsphotoaday #favourite #snaphappybritmums #project365 after 5 years of being a SAHM then a SAH expat I've finally re entered the world of work. Day 3 of the new job and I just haven't stopped. So this evening after being on the go all day, I stopped at my local coffee shop for my favourite drink, a latte, and to buy dinner for one as hubby is out late this evening.

Wednesday I ignored the parking attendant and parked on the first bit of waste ground where I started the week. In the evening I did some washing and went to oasis Mall for a coffee and some shopping as hubby was on conference calls till 9pm.

Day 329 #onedailypositive #stop #fmsphotoaday #FillTheFrame #snaphappybritmums #project365 one of the many learning aids I've been using in my new job this week.

Thursday was national day celebrations in school, I dressed in the colours of the UAE flag and had painted my nails. In the evening I fell asleep, fully dressed for 2 hours, before eating beans on toast for dinner and going back to bed. For #HDYGG I wrote about Gardening in Townships in South Africa. 

Day 330 #onedailypositive #threethingsimgratefulfor #fmsphotoaday #weather #snaphappybritmums #project365 it's winter in Dubai,
And I'm grateful for 1. The rain 2. The cooler temps and 3. Sleeping in silence without the noise of the air con.

Friday and it's the weekend so off into the dessert and the rest of the day to be spent sleeping, but hubby had other ideas that involved going out for lunch and on the beach, when we finally got home at 5pm, we discovered another burst water pipe in the kitchen, so my plans for an aryl night were ruined.

Day 331 #onedailypositive #ThisHappened #fmsphotoaday #Pets #snaphappybritmums #project365 the cat and dog just about tolerate each other's existence but when I travel and hubby is working they spend a lot of time together with no human interaction. I started work this week and this is how hubby found them when he got home before me yesterday.

Saturday and hubby wanted to charge around Dubai Mall while the National Day Parades are in full force, me? I went to the post office, bank and picked up coffee on the way home and had a bacon butty and went back to bed, hubby never made it out as we have to wait in for the plumber and we have no idea what time he's coming. hubby did the ironing and packed for his trip to South Africa tomorrow and I tidied and put up the Christmas decorations.

Day 332 #onedailypositive #fence #fmsphotoaday #somethingfabulous snaphappybritmums #project365


  1. It must be nice now it's a bit cooler. The parking sounds ridiculous. The water pipes must be annoying.

    1. i am so over this whole house rental, we've never rented one to date without hassles like this, yet as a land lord we ensure our tenants have minimal disruption

  2. What beautiful pink flowers, that is the one thing that I miss during winter, the lack of colour in the garden. I hope your new job is going well, it sounds like such a long day! I did smile when I saw the picture of your dog and cat. We have 2 dogs and a cat I cannot imagine them lazing together like this. Hope you have a great week x #project365

    1. the job is going really well, the cat and dog still have their moments

  3. The parking guy sounds like a delight. Not. What a pain he is. Beautiful flowers. And aww @ your pets, how cute is that?!

    1. the parking guy and i now have an understanding, i park and he just raises an eyebrow

  4. What a nightmare about the parking, would drive me nuts. Glad it's getting a bit cooler for you, I hate aircon and the noise it makes. Hope the job goes well #365

    1. the job is going very well, thank you and i'm sleeping much better without the noise of the aircon

  5. What a crazy hectic week! I'm glad you started to ignore the parking guy.

    1. i was informed on my first day that i was likely to have recurring arguments over parking

  6. Hope the job is going well. I would find the parking thing really stressful! Love those pink flowers. Hope you get the plumbing issues sorted too, how annoying.

    1. plumbing issues now sorted, but i still haven't tided up the stuff in the garage from the last flood

  7. oh dear at the prat that thinks he is a car park attendant, if even he doesn't know then what chance have you?
    Dont try and be superwoman and wear yourself out, days off are for catching up and it cant get that messy with nobody in all day.
    Our cat and dog only tolerated each other if there was a patch of sun to lie in. Im sorry but 29 is not cool

    1. the car park attendant and i have stopped arguing now, he accepts i know how to park without blocking anyone else in. 29c is cooler than the 50c we had in june and july

  8. thank you, I'm really enjoying it

