Thursday, 12 November 2015

Garden Centres in South Africa

It is spring in South Africa and the countryside is beautiful, full of a variety of colours.
I visited our previous local garden centre and I'm pleased to say Annie it is full of hydrangeas ready for planting in the garden and as I know how much you love and must be missing them now I took these pictures especially for you.

The garden centres in the UK are pretty much like the ones I've seen in the UK, Dubai and Canada this year. It's only in the UK thought that I've seen garden centres with educational rooms for children and play areas, but maybe that's because it's the only place I go with my niece to notice them.



Unlike the UK, most of the garden centres in South Africa are outdoors, due to the weather. In Dubai they are also mainly indoors due to the heat and the UK due to the rain and cold.

They all sell plants, garden furnitures, usually contain a small gift shop at the exit and occasionally a tea room.

I've also been visiting as many tea rooms as I can fit in on my travels and almost every tea room I've been to is situated in lovely gardens with local craft shops which sell a variety of items including garden ornaments and plants.

Believed to be the most Southern Baobab tree. According to internet research that honour belongs to Bushbuckridge which is 150km further north than where I was standing to take this picture.


  1. Replies
    1. spring in South Africa should bring rain but sadly that didn't happen until I was leaving

  2. Good call on the tea room tour! My hydrangea has died this year so I'm rather envious of such a display.

    1. i've never been able to rest a good tea room

  3. So interesting to see the differences!
    Now - THANK YOU! for giving me my hydrangea fix! I have one that's still soldiering on producing new blooms in my garden it's a solitary soul so it's good to see so many together :)
    I also love the succulents and the rusty car in the display - quirky I likey.
    Thanks for joining in again and double thanks for thinking of me when you saw the hydrangeas and taking some pics!

    1. how can i not think of you when it comes to hydrangeas, looking forward to finding out what your fix is next year

  4. Hmmm interesting. The weather most definitely would play a big part in deciding indoor or outdoor. Though with the heatwave (which is probably still child's play compared to Dubai) many garden centers around here are probably not very happy

    1. it was hotter in SA than back in Dubai where it actually rained last week

  5. I would love to do a world tour of garden centres to compare and contrast them. I wonder if anyone would sponsor me!

    1. you need to visit a garden centre in France and show me what it's like there

