Sunday, 29 November 2015

My Sunday Photo - Week 48

My plan for today's photo was of my view, feet up on the sofa, a glass of wine, a movie on the TV and the Christmas tree.

The reality is this

On my way home from school I popped into ACE DIY to purchase some potting compost and cat food.

I then spent the evening assembling this flat pack dressing table. It's almost 10pm, I've not had dinner, showered, made the bed or watched my movie, but I did have a glass of wine just now. 


  1. Blimey it sounds like a hectic day. I can't focus without dinner

    Thank you for linking up

  2. Oh my... a flat pack? I'd have needed a case of wine not just a glass!
    It sounds like that was quite a day. I hope you've had a chance to relax and watch that movie today.
    I hope you have a good week ahead.

    1. I've done nothing today after work except visit a bird sanctuary that I'm sure i'll be going to many times

  3. Hi Suzanne, all the best made plans and all that! Don't you just love a flat pack? ...But you'd have loved dinner and a movie even more. Hope you have a better evening this evening.


    1. i visited a bird sanctuary on my way home from work, had dinner and read blogs

  4. It was all worth it though for that dresser! It looks like it was sorely needed.

    1. it was indeed, i was using 4 empty wine crates stacked as shelves to store everything in and the light in the bathroom to do my make up was dire

