Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The Gardens of Casa Loma, Toronto, Canada with City Pass and HDYGG?

In July 2015 I spent 3 days in Toronto, Canada on my own. I bought a Toronto City Pass to see the 5 major attractions Toronto has to offer, sadly the Zoo was too far out of the City in the limited time I had to visit, but I did manage to get to visit Casa Loma once I'd navigated the transport system from near the airport, where I was staying, by bus and train, I found Casa Loma easily, the directions in the City Pass were very helpful. Although it did involve a medium length walk up hill from the subway, but as you can see it was a beautiful walk. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of greenery in Toronto.

The house is truly spectacular and you can read more about the history of it here.

The views of Toronto were stunning and you can see how green it all is.

The gardens were visible from all the windows over 3 floors.

You can see the CN Tower from the gardens.

It is summer in June and the flowers were in full bloom.

This archway led back into the house to the conservatory, which was spectacular. 

After a long walk through tunnels in the basement and passing through stables and garages I discovered the potting shed.

You can see how far away the house is from the potting shed.

I had the most amazing time in Toronto, which was part of a visit to see my very dear Penfriend Catherine or AlwaysARedhead on Social Media. I'd love to visit Canada again and see more of the beautiful countryside, but sadly it was a once in a life time trip. You can read more about the castle itself over here.

Next weeks post is Camping in the Wild in Algonquin and once I've finished all the posts I'll be linking them all up.


  1. My husband's Canadian and has some family in Toronto so I can actually put this on the list to see when we next go to Canada!

  2. That stained glass roof - wow!! Seeing the indoor garden area has give me some ideas for my hallway by the front door ;) If only it was a big as that.

    1. sadly indoor plants don't thrive in Dubai with the aircon

  3. All of this is amazing, love it. Very lush green! I'm really into stained glass too so that was a treat to see that.

    1. when we get back to the uk and in our own home i will be getting some stained glass windows, i love them

  4. Ah this looks like a lovely place to visit and explore :)

  5. That house looks stunning. I'm always (pleasantly) surprised how much green you can find in cities, glad Toronto is the same #hdygg

    1. I've been searching for the green in Dubai for a new post

  6. Lovely to see some summer photos on #HDYGG although I Have to say spring is peeping through here in Normandy.

    1. it's last summer, but summer never the less, I've only had summer since september 2014, although it is technically winter in Dubai, it's still warmer than most European summer days

  7. 3 days on your own. what does that feel like? last time i had that i think i was single. looks like a great city!

    1. i've spent years longing for 'me' time but i don't really like it when i'm at home, lovely to travel abroad though, I actually had 3 weeks in canada, child and hubby free and 6 weeks in South Africa last year also

  8. I love how cheerful these garden are - and the weather!!! Pining for blue skies here. I'm heading to Canada in April and this post has made me all excited now!
    Thanks for joining in again lovely :)

    1. enjoy Montreal, the weather is just perfect now, in a few weeks it'll be too hot to go outside

