Saturday, 23 January 2016

Week 3 - One Daily Positive and Project 366

Another busy week, I think I've got on top of the planning at school. I managed to leave on time on Thursday and haven't taken any work home with me for the weekend. Hubby has been working late this week and played golf on Friday while I cleaned the house and caught up with the washing and did some gardening. Another boring week of photos and some days I've had to find something to photograph for this post. But I've accepted the challenge and it's full steam ahead for the year. I'm not joining in with the linky this year, I wish it had been kept as a blog hop, that way I wouldn't have to acknowledge anyone in particular. I'm going to carry on visiting my favourite blogs from last year 

Sunday Day 17 #onedailypositive #project366 This little mite lost its mate tonight in a road accident that I witnessed. A passer by stopped to help me rescue the one cat from the road who was sadly dead, hubby came with the cat basket and another passer by helped me catch this one. I took the cat to the vet who checked it over and it appears ok, no chip and is probably one of the many strays who live round here. On advice from the vet we are keeping this cat over night in an out building with fresh water and to let it go if it's ok in the morning near where we found it, but well away from the road. I'm so grateful to the passer by X 2 who stopped to help me and very moved by their care and concern.

My Sunday Photo this week was supposed to be a day of rest, until I popped to the shops and ended up rescuing a young cat whose Mother was hit and killed by a car. 

Monday Day 18 #onedailypositive #project366 welcome to 'Suzanne's boring week of photos' I've taken two other photos today, one of soup and another of a pack of jelly and that's it. On a positive note though it means I'm busy and have things to occupy my time, such as work. I collected my new car today. I've gone from no car to 2 cars in the space of as many weeks. Will return the hire car on the weekend.

Tuesday Day 19 #onedailypositive #project366 whilst nursing a lemsip and reading a book in the bath I could hear a cry for help, that demanded immediate investigation. As far as I know she's still up there as the dog keeps barking for her to come down. They certainly keep me amused and entertained for hours.

For Animal Tales this week and HDYGG I linked up a post from my visit to Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo. 

Wednesday Day 20 #onedailypositive #project366 I don't know the last time someone bought me flowers, so I bought some for myself, and why not?

Thursday Day 21 #onedailypositive #project366 searching for something to take a picture of that isn't the Burj Khalifa or the dog. A child in my class gifted me some chocolates this morning and asked if I'd buy her a monkey. #random #LoveMyJob

Friday Day 22 #onedailypositive #project366 grrrrrr it's not often I tell the dog off but I am less than impressed with him after he decided to dig in the garden which he knows is a telling offence after I put some new plants in today, then ran through the house that I'd swept and mopped earlier and jumped onto the bed, which I'd put fresh sheets on earlier, leaving a trail of mud throughout the whole house. But he is cute and I can't stay cross with him for long which was the same length of time it took me to clean up his mess.

Saturday Day 23 #onedailypositive #project366 it's Dan's 21st birthday today, I've had a long and tiring week, hubby has been working late, I fancied a bit of time out of the house and had a bit of shopping to do so I visited Mall of the Emirates for the morning and spent the afternoon sorting through piles of paperwork.


  1. Well done on rescuing the cat, shame about the dead one.
    I am sure mummy will be chuffed if you get her a
    Nobody buys me flowers either.
    Bad doggy.

  2. The cat you rescued is so cute! Those chocolates are gorgeous and the monkey request is quite random! I had to laugh at the mess made by the dog, although I would definitely have been cross!

    1. we are doing animals at school, she saw a picture of a monkey sat on my shoulders and is convinced it is my pet and not a wild one

  3. So sad about the cat and even worse that the shelters are full. People should learn not to get pets if they can't take care of them

  4. That poor little cat, looks terrified doesn't it

    1. she was friendly but very upset and frightened

  5. I also liked it more as a blog hop as it was easier not to forget about the posts, since they were there on the blog rather than go to the main blog and dance from there, but hey ho. What a sad story about the killed cat, and well done on rescuing the other one. Love the image of the cat from below. And as for flowers, I buy them for myself too.

    1. ive not seen the other cat since that night

  6. the dog had been digging in the flower bed

