Saturday, 23 January 2016

My Sunday Photo - Week 56

Peter is off to Turkey this week with work, so I have the house to myself. Usually I don't like it when he's away as I spend 24 hours every day on my own, but now I'm working I don't mind as much and I bet the week races by.

All planning etc done and ready for the week. Desk cleared ready for personal stuff to sort - student loan, bank account UK and Dubai. The teens medical needs to address with school, letters to write and parcels to be sent, blog posts to write, cat and dog re registered with the municipality, the ironing needs doing and of course I have to feed myself. There will be numerous hot baths to enjoy before the weather gets too hot, a beach to visit. A trip to the night gardens and the illuminations on the Burj Khalifa. I'm also hoping for a few early nights, I really need my sleep.


  1. Ba ha ha, you should see my desk. I can't see it for the amount of paperwork spilling over it. Not like yours at all! Very organised. #MySundayPhoto

  2. You're looking very organised there! I'm sure being on your own will be much easier now you're working.

    1. I'm sure the week will race by and i plan on spending my free time sleeping

  3. You are busy busy busy!!! And why do you have to re register the cat and dog?

  4. Blimey it sounds like you've got a busy week planned. The desk area looks very well organised.

    Thank you for linking up

  5. Very organised, ours is very cluttered and could do with a clear out, Clio lending a helping hand for Coombe Mill

    1. I was avoiding doing the actual work of paperwork and tidied

  6. Nothing like getting things cleared and tidied ready for a busy week. Enjoy the quiet time to yourself.

    1. got so much down this evening having a clear desk and an empty house

  7. Sounds like you have lots to keep you busy this week

  8. A very clean desk. It sounds like you have a very busy week ahead. I'm sure it will pass very quickly x

    1. can't believe how quick the week is going but I still have too much paperwork to do

