Sunday, 17 January 2016

Week 2 - One Daily Positive and Project 366

Another long and tiring week, every time I think I'm on top of all this paperwork, I find something else that needs doing. I'm determined that by the end of the month I won't be bridging any work home with me in the this space.
We managed to do everything we had planned for the week. The house seems rather quiet and empty now Jamie has returned to the UK, just another thing us expats have to keep doing and that is to say too many goodbyes.

Sunday Day 10 #onedailypositive #project366 Apart from 2 photo prompts, the only other picture I've taken today is of my hire car. Why? Because it's so damn small, I keep losing it/forgetting where I park. I do this often even with the 4x4 we own. In fact there have been many times I've caught public transport home from work or the shops for hubby to ask me where the car is as I've forgotten I'd driven there. It's makes me laugh, it frustrates Peter. 
My Sunday Photo this week was a picture of the Address Hotel fire. 

Monday Day 11 #onedailypositive #project366 I met hubby and Jamie after I finished work @globalvillageuae for a walk round and dinner. On leaving my hire car wouldn't start so I called the company who responded with 'Miss Suzanne, try putting the car in P for park' this obviously have many calls like this.

Tuesday Day 12 #onedailypositive #project366 Jamie has been here two weeks, it's his last night with us tonight and the cat finally decides to be civil towards him.
The cat has been acting weird again, too much change and she can't seem to settle as you'll see in this weeks Animal Tales.

Wednesday Day 13 #onedailypositive #project366 storm clouds over Dubai very much like my emotions this week the#teen and Jamie both returned to the UK this week, I've had little sleep with trying to organize work and home life.

Thursday Day 14 #onedailypositive #project366 we has post, was sent on time for Christmas from the UK but hubby has been off work so only collected it today. It's the weekend here, we went out for dinner, enjoyed dinner out and watched a movie. I have paperwork to do on the weekend, a food shop to do and coffee with friends, plus 2 weeks worth of soaps to watch.
I've not had much time to spend in the garden so I've been writing up old posts. This week's HDYGG? is a visit to South Africa late last year, Parks and Gardens in Pretoria.

Day 15 #onedailypositive #project366 I'll admit there have been moments when I've thought that working is just too much for me and I don't need it and I've spent all day planning and preparing future work, but I'm slowly getting into a routine and I can see the fog lifting slightly.

Day 16 #onedailypositive #project366 we went out for coffee and cake and bought a car. So far it's been a simple process, they took copies of my ID, a deposit by credit card, sent a driver to collect a cheque from us, they will do the registration once the cheque clears and deliver the car in 2-3 days time. All I have to do is get insurance and email a copy over to the garage.

Apart from the photo prompts for SnapHappybritMums and FMSPhotoADay and My month of mornings where I take a picture from the front doorstep of the view as I leave for work, this is the extent of the pictures I've been taking and I feel they are lacking excitement and interest to me, I must up the game next week.


  1. Had to laugh at photographing the car to remind yourself. I've struggled to find mine in the car park many a time, but never actually not found it eventually or gone home without it.

    1. 3 times I've returned home without my car now, i often forget whose car I've come in and where I've actually parked

  2. Wow, look at all that paperwork! Hope you manage to get organised and get on top of it all. Your new car looks great and it did make me laugh about you not putting it into P! Hope you're not feeling too bad after your boys going home.

    1. this paperwork is for every week, it's the planning for the whole class and individual small group work, factoring in support from the TA and Learning Mentor, I think I'm winning the battle now by week 3

  3. aaahhhhh an automatic, yes they only start in park, not the first time I have wondered why my car wont start and the realise hubby has left it in gear, cant do that with the new car as the keys wont remove unless it is in park.
    I have to park my car somewhere I can find it easy, under a sign or in the same place in my regular parks.
    That was an expensive coffee and cake!!
    Glad you are getting on top of the paperwork and I hope you start to feel it is worth it.

    1. I've driven an automatic car for 16 years now, I've also had manuals in between, you'd think I'd learn by now

