Sunday, 23 October 2016

Week 95 - My Sunday Photo and Photalife

An unexpected trip to the UK for a family funeral on Monday, as sad as the occasion is, it is lovely to be home and have the opportunity to see family and friends again.

The weather in Dubai has been cooling down, with temps now consistently below 35c in the day and 30c during the night. That still sounds hot to you, but for us living there, it means we can now spend time outdoors, start the gardening, walk the dog and leave a window open to get some fresh air.

We don't get seasons in Dubai, it's either hot or hotter and anything that provides a splash of colour amongst the beigeness of the desert is artificial and requires a lot of work to maintain.

I took this photo of the berries, hydrangeas and autumnal leaves in my mum's garden this morning.


  1. Beautiful colours. I hope Monday went well.

    Thank you for linking up

  2. Such beautiful colours, it reminds me of Christmas, Clio lending a helping hand for Coombe Mill

  3. So beautiful! So sorry you had to travel for a funeral.

    1. it was nice to be home for a few days, despite the occasion

  4. So sorry about the funeral but glad you got to see family and friends. We've decided to go to Abu Dhabi on holiday!! I cannot wait :)

  5. Beautiful colours and I agree whats cool for you is very warm still for me! #MySundayPhoto

    1. i loved a week in the cold knowing i could go back to the winter in dubai

