Saturday, 29 October 2016

Week 43 - One Daily Positive and Project 366. Newport to Dubai

I arrived back in Dubai on Friday, I'm shattered. I've unpacked and put most of it away. I really don't want to go to work tomorrow, I'm not getting any satisfaction from working, there's too much pressure on me, while I enjoy the teaching side and don't mind planning and evidencing work in my own time, I don't think I've ever worked in a job where I'm under so much scrutiny and asked to justify EVERY single action. I've already decided I will pack it in at the end of the school year in June, but at the moment I'm not sure I'm going to make it to the new year.

Whilst I had a lovely time in the UK, it was sadly a trip made due to family bereavement. My Father's youngest brother's funeral was on Monday. It was lovely a service, there were lots of people there from his involvement with Gwent Football Association and the bands he'd played in over the years.

Sadly on Thursday we heard the news that my Mother's eldest brother had passed away. The funeral will be in mid November and I won't be able to travel to attend.

Day 297 - Kids. Picked up a few craft activities for school, I did want to post a picture of the teen, but he was having none of it as usual.

Day 298 - Cute. My sisters missing cat, he ran away last year, she has moved towns since then, she finally located him and brought him back to the new house where he has settled back in.

Day 299 - Amazing. Lovely to meet up with my SIL who I haven't seen since her Cancer was diagnosed in July, she is half way through her treatment and looks fab. Her daughter (my niece) is spending new year with us and 2 of the boys, she needs a break, she doesn't want or need the break, but her mum and I have ganged up on her.

Day 300 - Light. I've really enjoyed being in the UK in autumn, the rain and the cold, it all looks so pretty, it's amazing how early it gets dark now. In Dubai we average 10-12 hours of light every day. While we miss the long summer evenings of the UK, we certainly don't miss the lack of sun in the winter.

Day 301 - Leaves. I've loved the sight, smell and sounds of autumn. 

Day 302 - Dark. Back in Dubai, an evening at sunset spent on the beach, I've been sleeping the rest of the time.

Day 303 - Trick. I hate this part, the unpacking and eventual putting away of stuff. 


  1. So sorry for the loss. Wishing you all comfort.

    Sad to hear things are not going well at work

    1. thank you, i'm giving up on work, just deciding when I'm going to hand my notice in

  2. Sorry to hear about your uncles. It was so nice to get a little winter sun this week. I can see how Dubai could be appealing in the winter.

    1. thank you, it's lovely over here in the winter

  3. Sorry to hear you're finding work such a struggle. It must be hard to be under scrutiny all the time.
    It's amazing that your sister's cat returned after all that time! Lovely photo of your SIL and niece.

    1. plucking up the courage to hand my notice in at work for end of december, my sister was very pleased that the cat came back.

  4. Huge hugs to your two loses so close together.
    Yes the UK in Autumn is very pretty but agree the dark nights are depressing, but still prefer it to the heat you get. o
    Wow at getting the cat back. Having your niece will be a nice boost for you.

    1. really looking forward to my nieces visit for the new year. It's getting dark early here now also

  5. I am sorry for the late commenting - i am trying to catch up before I need to start again for this week!
    It must be hard returning to Dubai after a trip back here and so very tiring. I love Autumn here in the UK< and when it is dry but warm its my favourite season (it has got a little colder the last few days). It must be such a shock to come back here and then face the heat when you go back home. And what an amazing story about the cat - wow! I bet your sister never thought she would see it again. I hope you are more rested now x

    1. it's only a 3 hour time difference but when i start work at 7am it's almost a whole nights sleep i miss out on, plus the lack of sleep from the flight

