Wednesday, 26 October 2016

A walk around Munich

I'm in love with Munich, I may have mentioned this is earlier posts, but it truly is a gorgeous city and cheap and easy to get to from Luton airport. I spent 5 days there in the summer with friends and had 2 days on my own to explore the city and I think I covered almost every square inch and went inside almost every public building, museum, coffee shop, tourist office and souvenir shop. I started and ended my journey on foot at Marienplatz.

The toy museum. Having been to the one in Hamburg a few years ago, I was slightly disappointed with what was on display here, but for only a few Euro's it didn't break the bank and I met a nice couple inside who told me about St Peter's tower, which I throughly enjoyed visiting.
The transport system was clearly sign posted, easy to use, assuming you know how to use public transport and reasonably priced. I don't speak a word of German and I managed rather well.

Check out the may poles. Not something I'd associate with Germany, it made me think about the 2012 Olympic Games when the South African friend I was staying with in Germany asked what the opening ceremony was all about and I explained I'd not danced round or seen a May Pole since I was 7.

With all the walking and the lovely hot weather, I couldn't find a single reason why I shouldn't sit down every now and then and have a beer or two.

All the streets were easy to navigate and despite wandering off the beaten track quite a few times as I spotted something shiny to explore in a shop, I managed to get back on track every time.

The decoration of the buildings and the signage is simply stunning.

I did quite a bit of shopping in Munich, a leather handbag, new Birkenstocks as I wore my feet out with all the walking I did and of course plenty of souvenirs.

I did purchase an outfit for my niece, it was pricey, but worth it.

Apart from the bars, coffee shops and restaurants, there was plenty of seating for people just to plonk themselves down on and sit for a while.

I visited many places in Munich, learnt a lot, which I seem to have forgotten for the moment but I do remember Juliet and her shiny boob. The statue was a gift from Munich's sister city, Verona and it is said to be good luck to rub her right boob. 

And back to the beginning.


  1. Such a beautiful city. Love the intricate details on the buildings

    1. i really miss old buildings and streets to just walk around

  2. looks lovely. i have never been but would love to one day

