Thursday, 8 December 2016

Miracle Gardens and the Airbus A380 with HDYGG?

My mother is visiting and as a keen gardener I decided to take her to see the Miracle Gardens. While she loved every minute of it, I was less than impressed on this trip and I very much doubt I'll be going there again.
While it is a lovely place to visit and the flowers themselves are gorgeous and the aroma hits you the second you walk through the gate, I can't help but feel that it is missing out on being something altogether better.

This years display centres around a full size Airbus A380 made of flowers. I expected to see just that, however on arrival it turns out to be a full size plane, covered with flowers in pots.

I took a few photos as we walked to the restaurant area where I sat and did some work for school and left my mother to wander around by herself, I just didn't feel inspired.


  1. I have to agree with you - it all appears over the top and gaudy without any style.

  2. Oh dear - sorry to hear that you weren't feeling it this time round :(
    Those windmills look super, I can see why your mum was impressed! Have you both been having fun? x

    1. it's all a bit disjointed, viewed from above it looks great but from the ground you don't really see much other than flowers

  3. WOW! really!? it looks pretty amazing and abundant in the flower department to me

    1. it is indeed but nothing really any different from last year

  4. Can't say a plane covered in pot plants would inspire me much either!

