Sunday, 25 December 2016

Week 104 - My Sunday Photo. Christmas in Dubai 2016

The child woke at 7am to open his presents, the child is 21 years old and yes, Santa brought him a stocking. He then spent the morning playing with his new gadgets.

Peter made tomorrows dinner and prepared a curry. I flaffed around catching up with the soaps and having a leisurely bath using my new smellies.

Taxi to The Sheraton grand for 1pm for all we could eat or drink christmas brunch, taxi home at 4.30pm.

Peter now dozing on the sofa in front of the TV. Dan in his room and I'm in my PJ's in bed.

Peter took a day's holiday but is back in work tomorrow so Dan and I will hit the first day of the sales in the morning.

Youngest child, Alex aged 17 and 24 year old niece arrive early hours of Wednesday morning, there will be more gift giving, eating out and getting ready for the New Year.

Hope you've all had a very Merry Christmas, wherever you are and whatever you're doing.


  1. Merry Christmas and best wishes for the New Year

  2. I thought it was a UK thing to have the sales after Christmas

    Thank you for linking up and have a very Merry Christmas

  3. Merry Christmas - the day after Christmas sales are huge in the US.

  4. Such a classic looking stocking you could never grow out of! Happy Boxing Day from Coombe Mill #MysundayPhoto

