Sunday, 18 December 2016

Week 103 - My Sunday Photo. Bob meets Santa with Animal Tales.

Bob's new friend Jelly Bean is staying with us over the christmas holidays while her humans are on holiday. She only arrived this morning and after settling in we headed over to Dog Walk for their annual Christmas Party. Taking 2 large dogs out was a little stressful and I spent a lot of time unravelling myself from the leads.

They both had a lovely time meeting Father Christmas and their secret santa gift, as well as plenty of snacks. 

 Neither of them were over impressed with their accessories they wore, but they looked the part and I wore my Christmas jumper, which was a bad idea when it was 28c.

Jelly had her first swimming lesson, while Bob jumped in and out of the pool.

Bob's secect santa gift.

When we got home Jelly and Pushkins met, Jelly ignored her and Pushkins just hissed.

Bob isn't too impressed with sharing his bed with Jelly.


  1. What lovely photos! Merry Christmas to Bob, his new friend and to you!
    (There's no way I could wear a Christmas jumper in 28 degrees!)

  2. Beautiful collection of photos. I'm not sure I would feel Christmassy when it's hot

    Have a very Merry Christmas.

    Thank you for linking up and supporting My Sunday Photo this year.

    1. thank you, you're welcome and a happy christmas to you and yours

  3. I can't quite imagine Christmas in the heat, we have frost on the ground this morning. The dogs do look hot

    1. it's always hot here in dubai unless the zircon is on

  4. #BobtheDog and #JellybeantheSofaDiva

  5. We have 7 dogs staying over Christmas but luckily not all at the same time ... and only 2 have to stay on leads for walks. Feeding time is a bit challenging, mind you! Ours all get on really well and it looks like Bob and Jelly Bean are happy too.

    Have a lovely Christmas (don't out that jumper on again!) and a Hippotastic New Year! Hopefully see you in the next #AnimalTales

    1. sorry jumper was worn a few more times, then i found my festive t shirt collection, never mind, save it for next year now

  6. Lovely photos! They look very festive, despite the 28 degrees!! Merry Chrisstmas #AnimalTales

