Sunday, 12 February 2017

111 My Sunday Photo - V is for Valentine

Despite the picture which may lead you to believe I'm single, over 40 and lonely, you'd only be right on 2 out of 3.

I'm not looking for a valentine, I'm happily married, I am over 40 and no one warned me that when your kids left home one would fill the space with pets and I'm lonely in the day during the 8+ hours Peter is in work.

Peter and I are going out on the evening of February 14th. Me with a friend for dinner and him with his colleagues for work. 

#BobTheDog will be my valentine's date on Tuesday and we're off for lunch with a group of dogs and their humans.

My dog is how I meet people and make friends, now the kids are no longer at home.


  1. Hi Suzanne, you now have me questioning my parenting! The dogs are what have kept and still keep me sane saying that neither of my children have left home yet... I have left the door open on many occasions!

    Have a great day on Tuesday.


    1. the dog and the cat over the weekend have really tested my patience, the dog keeps sneaking into my bed in the day and the cat is sleeping on the dining room table

  2. Sorry to hear you're lonely, but it's great to hear that Bob helps you to make friends!

    1. as sad as it may sound, i think i'd be lost without the dog right now

  3. This did make me smile! I have just had one child leave home so far and already I don't like it!

    1. oh i've got used to the kids not living here now, it just gets hard to make friends without them or a job

  4. Aww this is lovely. I'm sorry that you're feeling lonely but glad you have bob to help with that :) #mysundayphoto

  5. Cute photo. I can imagine the house to be very quiet at times

    Thank you for linking up

    1. i like the quiet, it's just too long most days being on my own

  6. Aww! That is so sweet! It really made me smile x

