Saturday, 4 February 2017

One Daily Positive 2017 Week 5 Egypt

We returned home from Egypt on Monday evening, our flight from Luxor was delayed but we had to clear security while we transferred through Doha, we had 25 minutes before our gate closed, there were only 2 X-ray machines open, yet loads of staff with iPads, testing a new and quick security system. We asked if we could queue jump, but were firmly told no. All other airports I've been to in the world, allow this when you're running late for a flight. It was only when we got through, that we could see a board with our flight, which thankfully had been delayed by 45 minutes, but we were still cutting it fine.

Sunday we walked the 5km from our hotel to Karnak Temple, we walked because we wanted to, and were pestered the entire way to get in a taxi or a horse and carriage.

The cat was pleased to be home on Monday evening. We started planning our next trip together to Turkey in July.

On Tuesday I had unpacked, washed and put everything away, by 10am I was drinking coffee at the mall, before doing the food shop. The dog was collected from our friends in the evening.

Wednesday's dental appointment was postponed till Sunday so I caught up with some paperwork, popped to HSBC, coffee at Costa, shopping in Waitrose, for a while I forgot I was in Dubai. I'm half way through my first book in over a year.

Thursday I cleaned the house, it didn't take long as there's only the 2 of us and we'd been away half the week, then I set the table up for dinner and BBQ tomorrow. I had my first article to write for the first time in ages, then I cycled off to the beach, had a coffee and popped into Hallmarks to buy a card, I ended up coming home with 2 huge bags from Mothercare balanced on my handle bars, having done the Christmas shopping for my 3 great nephews and my niece. I have a list of things I've been wanting to do for over a year, yet despite all this free time, I never seem to get round to doing them and after putting everything away in the garden, due to stormy weather, I had a lie down.

Friday we went out into the desert with Bob, it had rained heavily during the night and was very cold in the desert and extremely windy. We had friends round for a BBQ which was cooked inside due to the weather and we just chilled at home. The weather was very cold today by Dubai standards, 17c high, 14c low, warm clothes were required for the desert.

Saturday we had a lie in, cooked breakfast, then off to Ras Al Khor nature reserve to see the flamingos, coffee and cake at the Souk Madinat then watched the Tour Dubai as they cycled past our house at 3pm all while the slow cooker worked it's magic for an early dinner.

29/365 Transport

30/365 News

31/365 Sky

32/365 First

33/365 Cold/Hot

34/365 What I'm wearing

35/365 Sunday Roast

On the blog this week:


  1. I remember the hassle of Luxor well, we were so naive when we were there years ago and got hoodwinked into a felucca trip that probably cost a lot more than it should have done. Love that shot with the hot air balloons. The weather everywhere seems so out of sorts at the moments. It's 10 degrees colder in Spain than it normally is at this time of year #365

    1. it snowed in the UAE yesterday about a 2 hours drive from here, it seems to be everyone gets hassled when you go anywhere near a tourist destination, including Dubai

  2. I love that first photo! I've never been to Luxor, but we got fed up of being hassled when we went to Rome. I bet you were very well wrapped up when it was 17 degrees! I'd love 17 degrees right now - I'd be in my Tshirt, for sure.

    1. the winter woolies have been dug out for sure

  3. My goodness you travel a lot! We never leave Scotland really! We went to Egypt once and the hassling all the time just ruined it. Our friends in Dubai were mentioning the snow only yesterday. #project365

    1. it's actually rare for us to go on holiday, most of our travel is to the uk to see family

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. sounds like a week when you got lots of things done. I would never have imagined that there would be a Waitrose in Dubai! I really like the photo with the hot air balloons in the distant sky, and I love your wellies. I always cook my joint of beef in my slow cooker x

    1. you'd be surprised at what's in dubai, all the big UK stores, M&S, Debenhams, Boots etc

  6. Sounds like a busy week! cool wellies!

    Love that photo with the hot air balloons!

    1. i love my wellies and rarely get opportunity to wear them

  7. The weather is bonkers everywhere it seems like, saying that the 17 degrees you're having is much better than the -2 we were having last week! Still, I bet it's chilly for you
    Amazing photos and what an interesting week. I love your #2 shot showing the hot air balloons.
    I haven't been to Lexor but I have been to Morocco which also has the hassle-element. Sometimes you just want to walk!
    Have a lovely week

    1. it would seem that walking is frowned upon by taxi drivers all around the world who need to get the fares, even in Dubai, they toot at you and pull over assuming you want a lift

  8. Waitrose, Hallmarks, Mothercare, and Costco - would never have guessed Dubai if I didn't know! It sounds like a busy week! Never thought to cook a roast in the slow cooker :O

    1. i cook the beef in beer, lamb in coke and pork in apple juice, makes lovely fray afterwards

  9. I love how organised you always are with your Christmas shopping. Luxor sounds a bit stressful, but I'd love to go.

    1. so is Turkey, Tunisia, South Africa and parts of Dubai, anywhere that's main income relies on tourism

  10. Great balloon picture and lovely shades in the sky.
    Annoying when you cannot go for a walk in peace.
    Love my beef done in the slow cooker, I do mine with coke.

    1. i cook my beef in beer, lamb in coke and pork in apple juice

  11. Love how 17c is classed as cold! I'm looking forward to it being that 'warm'. I'm not sure how I'd cope with being hassled to get in a cab or carriage!

    1. the weather is all relative, when it's 50c in summer, 17c now feels very cold to me

