Saturday, 5 May 2018

One daily Positive - Week 18

Another week on my own. Peter spent half the week in Istanbul and the other half in Saudi Arabia. I did get to see him briefly on Wednesday for a few hours.

Looking back through my facebook memories this is nothing new. I find I'm getting quite lazy outside of keeping the house clean and walking the dog. I can spend hours watching youtube and doing nothing around the house. I go out everyday for a coffee and a walk, as well as meeting up with friends at least twice a week, but the time in between not a lot gets done. So I've written a list of things I want to do, crafts, tidying and blogging and decided to timetable myself activities so I don't just waste everyday.

119 Sunday By 10am I was bored out my brain. Took Peter to catch the train after walking Bob, watering the garden. Got fuel and coffee on my way home and started writing lists to organise myself a bit more. Had a new chair delivered so I can spend the evenings in the lounge with Peter (when he's home) Due to an old neck injury, I find sitting for any length of time painful and it can contribute to my migraines. Hoping this new chair will help.

120 Monday Met a friend for coffee at City Walk and took some photo's for my 'before, during and after' theme for My Sunday Photo. This flamingo caught my eye, I love flamingoes. I had less than 24 hours notice for my bone marrow biopsy which I had done in the afternoon. OMG, the pain, despite the area being numbed, felt like someone had a red hot cork screw and was twisting it down into my back, to which the nurse said 'yep, that's exactly what happened. Slight delay getting home with admin, but my friend got lippy, took my ID and we left.

121 Managed to get some sleep despite the pain, feels like my back is on fire and when I move between lying, sitting or standing, it feels like the red hot corkscrew is back. Maintenance fixed a broken pipe on the roof and I ventured out for a coffee. Attempted to spray paint some tables I'd prepared earlier in the week, but it was too hot for the spray can to operate, so tried again after sunset.

122 Wednesday Peter made a brief appearance before jetting back off again. I managed to walk Bob and spent the morning watching TV, sorting photos and blogging. Really need a bath but it'll have to wait till tomorrow lol. Took Peter to the train for the airport, stopped off  for coffee, pick up meds and finish some blogging. In bed at 9pm, was bored and couldn't stop eating.

123 Thursday Had a bath, wound seems fine. Friend collected me and we went to Ibn Battuta Mall for lunch. Met another friend for coffee in the afternoon to discuss a potential job.

124 Friday Peter was home in the early hours, went to the beach for breakfast with friends and did a food shop on the way home, chilled out in the afternoon and evening. I knocked my back getting into the car and the pain was fresh again.

125 Saturday Popped out for coffee and to get our eyes tested. I'm finding I need to wear my glasses now with all reading and screen work, my arms are no longer long enough. No change to prescription though. Peter now has to wear glasses all the time and is having the lens changed in one pair and a pair of prescription sunglasses and frames. he has opted for progression lenses and it cost just over £800 for the lenses and £200 for one pair of frames. Took Bob out at 6.30am for a long walk and had friends round in the evening for a BBQ.

On the blog this week:

My Sunday Photo - The Almas Tower
TweensTeensBeyond, TriumphantTales, PoCoLo - Mother of the Groom


  1. I'm keeping everything crossed that these tests will give you the answers you need to get you sorted. I've been worried about you all week. Was the job idea a goer? #365

    1. thank you, will let you know when i get the results. waiting to hear about the job, fingers crossed

  2. Goodness, your tests sound so painful, I was wincing just reading about them. Hope it doesn't ache much any longer, and that you get the answers to your health issues. A new chair sounds a good idea. Take care!

    1. the new chair has been my life saver, so comfy

  3. I hope the chair helps....
    I love the flamingo. So bright and cheerful.
    Eek! The bone marrow biopsy sounds horrible.
    I got glasses yesterday....I need them for distance. ie watching the TV. They are fantastic. It's like seeing the world in HD.

    1. the flamingoes are lovely, there always seems to be some kind of theme going on in Dubai. I saw your new glasses, they really suit you.

  4. Oh I had heard that anything with marrow was extremely painful. I really really hope that you get some useful results from the tests. I always need a daily or weekly plan else I'd get nothing done #365

    1. yes, you heard right, still in some pain a week on

  5. Ouch to the back and tests. Hopefully you'll get some proper answers after going through that.

    1. thank you, should know by the end of the week

  6. OUCH at the price of the glasses.....god old NHS has a lot to be thanked for.
    I have heard bone marrow work is very painful but first time I have read it so graphically put but love your honesty and hope it settles soon, though I am sure bone marrow donation website says allow 2 weeks.
    Hope the job comes off and it gives you a purpose in life again

    1. coming up to the 2nd week and it is easing, no word on the job front yet

  7. Oh ouch the biopsy sounds really painful! Hope you get some answers soon

    And wow at the price of the glasses. I usually spend around £200 on mine and complain about that but £800 just for lenses!

    1. It's not cheap to live here at all, salasries may be tax free but they do make up for it

  8. I hope the results are ok. Goodness those specs are expensive! #project365

