Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Lost in (Google) Translation

This is just one of many sets of instructions we've had in Dubai, where I don't even think Google translate has been used. The curtain pole is now up, but common sense was used. A Nephrectomy is the surgical removal of a kidney and we have no idea how that word made it's way into the Installation Guide.

Now if anyone knows how our air conditioning units work we'd be extremely grateful.


  1. I've lived in more than half a dozen foreign countries and this must be the worst translation I have ever seen! Thanks for the laugh. Well,not a laugh for you. Fortunately this was probably not the first time you installed curtain rods, so no crisis, I hope!

  2. Oh wow! I don't even know where to start with that... glad the pole is up now though :) Sim x #PoCoLo

  3. This is hysterical, and makes IKEA look fun and easy-peasy! Thank you for the chuckle! #triumphanttales xoxo

    1. not sure we needed such detail for a curtain pole anyway

  4. Oh my goodness! Thank goodness you have common sense to turn to! Whatever next! Thanks so much for sharing with #TriumphantTales!

    1. thankfully no kidneys were harmed in erecting the curtain poles

