Tuesday, 1 May 2018

The Mother of the Groom with Compton House of Fashion

As the Mother of 4 boys, I potentially have 4 occasions as Mother of the Groom. The first of which is taking place this June 2018. The 2nd in September/October 2019.

This post is in collaboration with Compton House of Fashion who got in touch with me in March to ask me to share my experiences of finding a suitable outfit as Mother of the Groom and I must say I found their website extremely helpful. Although I won't be visiting their store as I live in Dubai and arrive in the UK only 2 days before our son's wedding, it was lovely to see the variety of outfits and accessories they have available. They feature a range of ages of models and offer advice on weddings and etiquette as well as running their own blog which offers help and advice for the Mother of the Groom.

Until Compton House of Fashion got in touch with me, I'd seen very little on the internet about the Mother of Groom. The high street shops focus on the Mother of the Bride and I seem to fall into Occassion Wear.

The harsh reality is there is no role for the Mother of the Groom compared to the Mother of the Bride who takes centre stage after the Bride, the Father of the Bride who gives the Bride away, the Groom who makes a speech, the Best Man who makes the main speech and the Father of the Groom who is also part of the Wedding party as he at least gets to wear the same suits as the rest of the above, as do the ushers who happen to be the Brides brother and the 2 of the Grooms brothers.

And that's where it ends. There is no role for me. Apparently I could write a letter to the Mother of the Bride, showing my interest in the upcoming event and as the parents of the Groom it is traditionally our role to organise the rehearsal dinner, stand in line after the couple to receive guests and to dance with the Groom during the mother-son dance. But I have no idea if this is part of the plan.

I'm sounding quite bitter. I'm not, I'm slightly bemused. I had thought in 2018 we'd done away with all this tradition and besides, my husband and I eloped as a) we wanted to do things our way b) we'd both been married before and been swept away with other peoples ideas of what should and shouldn't be happening and c) we'd just bought a house and didn't want or need the expense. I really hadn't given a lot of thought about my role as Mother of the Groom until now.

I did take part in making a booking for our son's suit fitting and order and paid the bill, but my thoughts on the large number of suits was not wanted and I recommended a photographer, an old school friend of mine. All I had left to do was transfer the rest of the money I promised into the Bride's account for her and her mother to spend as they see fit.

So we've handed over a lump sum to the Bride, replied to the invitation with our meal preferences and booked our flights and car hire.

At the moment I have absolutely no idea what I will be wearing on the day as I'm still waiting to find out what colour the Mother of the Bride is wearing. I also have to avoid the colours of the Bridal party. So I've got a couple of dresses, shoes and a hat (is the Mother of the Bride wearing a hat?) 

Last month, son no 4 announced he was engaged also. But thankfully this wedding won't take place for a year or two and hopefully by then and after a friends wedding in July and our niece's wedding in October, I'll have this outfit choosing sussed out.


  1. Congratulations! I hope all the various weddings and celebrations go well. All the best to the happy couple and good luck finding a suitable outfit.

    1. thank you, i'm sure i'll find the right one

  2. Maybe you can wear the same outfit to the 2019 wedding as well! I'm always so practical! #TriumphantTales

    1. got 3 family weddings, don't want to look the same on each picture album lol

  3. You are absolutely right here Suzanne - there is a most definite slant towards everyone except Mother Of the Groom. Having come from a family of girls, we have always reached out and included in laws and made them feel one of ours, where possible. Not everyone is the same though. I have two weddings this week. I have to say some of the shops for such outfits have left a lot to be desired here in our area. Extortionate prices and poor service once you've paid the bill. A captive audience of women who are held to ransom for wanting to look their best. Not that I am a parent at either of the weddings but I have seen how they have been treated. I'll be about 205 by the time our daughter gets married! Thanks for sharing with #tweensteensbeyond

    1. There are plenty of outfits out there to choose from without going to a specialist, but it would be really nice to find more stuff aimed at the Mother of the Groom and equal things up a bit

  4. Well I only have Mother of the Groom as a possibility, so I can see that this might be me in the future. Hope you find something suitable.

    1. thank you, no Mother of the Bride duties for me either

  5. I never thought about that before. I tried to include my husbands mom in all of my events. #pocolo

    1. I don't feel excluded either, it's a strange position to be in

  6. My Mother In Law was a witness at our wedding and so had a role during the ceremony of signing the register. I think it's important to try and involve the whole family if at all possible. Thanks for joining in with #TriumphantTales, hope to see you again next week!

    1. i've got no idea who is signing the register on this occasion, in fact i know very little about the whole day

  7. Good luck with getting the outfit sorted. I had to laugh at the 'could write a letter to the mother of the bride'. That sounds positively Victorian! And I've never heard of a rehearsal dinner before. We certainly didn't have one.

    1. I know but those are the only 2 things i can find that we're supposed to do this side lol

  8. You are going to be an expert at this by the time you have done it four times! I am awaiting news on the outfit with anticipation. I have three girls so I will never be mother of the groom but I'm also surprised to hear how traditional it all still is. Thanks so much for sharing with us at #TweensTeensBeyond

    1. I'm just wondering why we can't all wear jeans and t shirts, would make my life an awful lot easier

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