Sunday, 13 May 2018

The CN Tower Toronto

As you may have gathered my now from My Sunday Photo's this year, I have a bit of a thing for construction projects, tall buildings and glass floors. You'll find a list at the end of this post of other places I've visited around the world.

The CN Tower in Toronto was opened on 26th june 1976 and until September 2007 it was the tallest structure in the world until the Burj Khalifa in Dubai was constructed.

I made my visit in July 2015.

The CN stands for Canadian National Railway who wanted to build a large TV and radio communication tower to demonstrate the strength of the Canadian industry.

There are now different categories to determine the official heights of buildings around the world. Freestanding, structure, building and tower. The CN building is a tower of which it held the record for being the tallest in the world for over 3 decades.

At 553.33m tall, with 1,1776 and 114 flights to the top.

There are 3 observation decks. Skypod at 447m. Indoor observation level at 346m and outdoor observation area at 342m.With 360 views of the City.

The world's first glass floor was also opened on June 26th 1994 and is accessed at 342m.

Load tests are performed annually on the 2 1/2 inch thick glass and measures 23.8 square meters. It is 5 times stronger than it needs to be and should 35 moose ever ascend the tower it would support their weight.

Week 158 Dubai Bluewater Islands and Dubai Eye. Man made island a 210m high Big Wheel
Week 159 Dubai Dubai Marina - Reflections
Week 160 Dubai Dubai Frame. A window between the Old and New Dubai and a 150m high glass floor.
Week 161 Dubai Dubai Marina 3 years apart.
Week 163 Dubai New Metro Line for Expo 2020
Week 164 Arizona and Nevada Hoover Dam 2002 - 2010
Week 165 Dubai Dubai Opera House What a difference a year makes
Week 166 Dubai Unfinished buildings. The Pentominium
Week 167 Coventry Mixing the old and the new. Coventry Catherdral
Week 168 Dubai New Dubai Metro Station 
Week 169 Dubai The new extension of the Dubai Mall and Burj Khalifa 
Week 170 Dubai Hotel fire After the Address fire 
Week 171 Dubai Unusual designs The Opus Building
Week 172 Dubai District Cooling. Keeping the desert cool.
Week 173 Dubai Can I visit the Burj Al Arab
Week 174 Dubai The Almas Tower
Week 175 Dubai The Cayan Tower


  1. Wow - thats an impressive construcion!

  2. That angle makes it look huge. I love going to the top of towers and admiring the views.

    Have a good Sunday and thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

    1. I only took a handful of photo's and no proper one of the tower other than this angle, good excuse to go back now

  3. You need a good head for heights for that one!

  4. I've always wondered what the 'CN' stood for - now I know! Our boys are always fascinated by tall buildings - Toby has pretty much memorised every statistic about all the word's tallest towers ...

    1. you should bring your son to Dubai, he'd be in his element here

  5. Hi Suzanne, the CN building is over half a kilometer high! That is tall.. There is a shop in one of the resorts with a glass area of flooring and I won't even walk over that. I would love to have seen them coaxing moose onto the glass one by one.


    1. I did wonder how the moose would fit in the lift lol

  6. That is such an amazing building.
    I don't think I could stand on the glass floor though. I am not brave enough. hehehe

    1. I do love a good glass floor, although i'm not very good with heights, it's a sort of 'have to' just to prove to myself it's ok

  7. That is very interesting. I had no idea that it had been around for so long!

    1. neither had i and this is the first time i've researched the building and it was 3 years ago i visited

  8. The height is very apparent in the first photo showed... So tall! Braver person than I am - I don't know if I could do the glass floor! #MySundayPhoto

    1. I'm ok with things like this if Im on my own and can build up the courage, once i step on any worries melt away

  9. My that does look high #MySundayPhoto

