Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Let's see the bigger picture

We've all staged photos, had a quick tidy up and maybe even popped to the shops to buy something to make it just perfect.

We can edit, buy special lenses and take 100's of shots choosing the perfect photo.

But blogs, Instagram, face book and twitter are starting to look like a catalogue of library pictures. 

The close up of the bumble bee is beautiful, the flowers absolutely perfect, but too be honest I'm finding it a little boring and repetitive to look at.

Now fair enough you can say the same about my blog posts, my endless pictures of the dog and cat, but this is just my opinion of the current style of photography. I just really don't like it.

I want people to see the context, the bigger picture. The glorious park that one perfect flower is in, the sky to get an idea of the weather and the landscape to get a feel of your location.

I currently spend more time looking for something to write about your photo, which is the same as all the other photos. 

It uses more characters entering my name and email address than it does writing 'beautiful shot' or 'lovely colours' 

Here are some pictures taken in my garden, they show the detail, what I'm doing and the bigger picture. They may not be the best or the most interesting but I feel it gives the reader a little something extra in which to comment on.

The same with these ones. I mean look at the honesty of the final photo and tell me that's why you do close ups, so no one sees the reality.


  1. I do try with mine , What I see with my mines eye is the picture I take

    1. I dont object to all the close ups, i just dont feel it gives me enough to say about anything

  2. Ha ha ha ha I've learnt to take SM with a pinch of salt

    1. well yes there is always the fact that just because it's written down in any format doesn't mean we have to like or believe it

