Sunday 12 July 2015

Where I Live

Having joined in with several linkys over the past few months I'm starting to meet some lovely and interesting bloggers. This week I discovered Tara Cain's Blog Sticky Fingers. I can't guarantee I'll join in every week and I'm really not in the mood for adding the badge at this moment as I'm not technically minded and last time I added a badge I messed up my whole blog.

I've been feeling rather restless the past few months, since moving to Dubai in December 2014 from South Africa. I loved South Africa, despite the safety issues where we lived in Pretoria, I loved the wide open spaces, the dog walks, the close proximity of the malls and I made the most amazing friends, travelled far and wide and worked full time as a volunteer with some amazing organisations.

I haven't settled in Dubai. We live 1km from the beach, there is a beautiful park near by, we take the dog for walks in the desert early mornings on the weekends and enjoy all the experiences Dubai has to offer.

But I don't feel settled, I don't feel like it's my home. It's too hot to go out now, to the beach, the parks, the desert. Life is lived inside most of the year due to the heat. I also know we'll have to move again and after leaving South Africa and knowing that it will never be home again, I'm frightened to settle in here, knowing that one day we'll have to give it up also.

Despite living in our house, making it a home and personalising it to our needs and individual style, this home does not house a family any more, the kids have left and I'm on my own most days.

This is our home in the UK, Malvern. It's rented out at the moment, we'll probably never live there again, it's not my home anymore, but it was 'our' home. Our family home, where we raised 5 kids.


  1. Home is a very difficult word to define. And isn't it amazing how it is easy to settle down sometimes and not so easy at times when you think it would be easy

    1. im not settling with this move, i have a feeling we'll be asked to move again and sooner rather than later

  2. We moved around a lot when I was a child, as my father was in the forces. Now I've lived in the same place for so many years, I still get fidgety. I still don't know what to say when someone asks me where I come from. Moving around has lots of pluses, but also a fair number of disadvantages too.

    1. I'd lived in at least 11 houses prior to buying this one in 2002, we left the UK in 2011 and this is the house I've lived the longest in

