Tuesday, 6 October 2015

A day at an English Farm

All our kids have left home but that doesn't stop us having fun when we visit the UK in the form of our 4 year old niece, who we were lucky enough to borrow for 24 hours from my sister and BIL. We had a meeting at our sons boarding school in Gloucestershire and took O with us for the day, followed by a picnic in the pub in the evening with friends and their 3 year old boy.

Pull Court, Tewkesbury

The old stable block converted into the boarding house

The day we visited the farm was the wettest day we've had in ages, since we are currently living in Dubai, hence why the picnic was moved from lunchtime, which we had in Morrison's, to the pub in the evening.

Despite the rain and unsuitable footwear we saw geese, turkeys and chickens close up and cows, sheep and miniature ponies in the fields.

Our favourites were the pigs and as O called them 'proper, real, pink piggies with curly tails and big noses'

We had a small problem with folding the pushchair, you can see how much use I was in the pouring rain while hubby struggled with it for ages, almost abandoning it in the car park. You'll also notice that we forgot to put O in the car while we fought with the pushchair in the pouring rain. It's been a long time since we've parented anyone that small.


  1. Looks like so much fun in spite the rain and grey clouds! :) #animaltales.

  2. i love the pictures of the pig lol Not sure why! it looks like a great adventure you went on and much fun!

    Angela from www.daysinbed.com

  3. What a lovely change from Dubai - sometimes it is good to get a contrast to daily life. Your final photo made me laugh - it reminds me of my sister's struggles with our pushchair.

    1. both my sister and her husband admitted they nearly left it in a supermarket car park when they first got it

  4. What a great day out for all of you, it's great that O got to see all the animals on the farm. They really are proper piggies, our resident saddle back isn't as pink and round as they are. #animaltales

    1. I've not seen proper piggies as O called them for a long time

  5. Now that's a farm, and I daresay all the more authentic for being damp. Great action shots of the proper piggy trotting towards you!

    1. we all fell in love with that pig, so friendly

  6. Those are cute pigs, I do like pigs. And I definitely do not miss wrestling with a pushchair and very little people-although they are handy for carrying lots of stuff when out and about!

    1. the pushchair was both a life saver and a hindrance, I'm glad those days are long over for me

  7. What a shame about the weather but still lots of lovely animals to see :)

    1. it was only the 2nd day out of the two weeks we actually had rain

  8. I used to live near Tewkesbury and worked at the National Trust office there for a while but I have not heard of this farm. It looks like a great place to visit. Thanks for adding your farming tale to #AnimalTales ... and I love that piggy snout!

    1. we had a lovely visit there, never really paid much attention to the farm, but the whole school is set in the most amazing grounds

