Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Red Squirrels in Cheshire

We went to visit hubbies aunty in Hyde last month as part of our UK tour and were surprised to see red squirrels in her garden, even more so to see the cheeky blighters come in through the back door and they took a lot of persuading to go back outside. Mind you she does feed them so hardly that surprising really.

I'm off to South Africa this week for a month, so expect to see plenty of posts about the wildlife out there.


  1. Blimey they're gorgeous. I fear I'd be guilty of feeding them too! I'm sure Stella thinks the grey ones in my mum's garden are toys that are alive!

    1. Bob would just bark then run a way, he's such a big baby

  2. My son caught a (grey) squirrel in Hyde Park once. I don't know who was more suprised. Squirrels are great, and how fabulous to get to see the red ones up close.

  3. Oh my goodness me - they are too cute. Our red squirrels are far too nervous to come anywhere near the garden let alone the house. Fabulous pictures and thank you for adding them to #AnimalTales

    1. My aunt has also had foxes in the garden and the biggest pigeon I've ever seen seems to have taken up residence also

