Saturday, 3 October 2015

Week 40 - Project 365

Hubby and I spent 2 weeks in the UK, it took us a few days to adapt back to the what and 3 our time difference in Dubai. I've come back to a pile of post and emails that need my urgent attention, but little to do in regards to housework etc. i don't actually have any plans for this week as I'm off to South Africa in a couple of weeks for 5 weeks (haven't booked my flight yet) I am for some strange reason happy not to have a routine to slip back into. I'm just going to enjoy the cooler weather (still in the high 30s) walk Bob more often and further and generally just potter around.

Sunday is the start of the week in Dubai hubby was at work and I spent the day blogging and writing letters. I popped over the local supermarket for a coffee and purchase some stamps. My Sunday Photo was actually taken the previous day on our return to the lakes in the desert with Bob.

Day 270 #onedailypositive #perspective #fmsphotoaday #hair #snaphappybritmums #project365 After a muddle with writing down the photo prompts last week and working out where I went wrong. The #fmsphotoaday prompts start on a monday, I start my blog post on a Sunday, so I moved Monday's prompt to days and put everything into #perspective. I've also decided I'm going to let my hair grow out, as covering the greys is getting expensive and when I'm in South Africa next month while the exchange rate is favourable, I shall go to my old hairdressers and ask them to dye the rest of my hair to match the grey. If I don't like it, I can carry on colouring it.

Monday was spent with the bank for a couple of hours, followed by coffee morning with the expats ladies. I'm getting fed up of being indoors and this evening when I did the photo prompts I realised I'm not getting enough physical activity. I was out of breath playing the clarinet. We have bikes now, just waiting for the weather to cool a little more before we venture out on them.

Day 271 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎note‬ ‪#‎fmsphotoaday‬ ‪#‎music‬‪#‎snaphappybritmums‬ ‪#‎project365‬ I learnt to play this very clarinet aged 7, making it 37 years old. Stranger on the shore was my party piece as a child which I played today just for myself.

Tuesday has been spent juggling money around from one bank account to another to pay for a school trip for child 5 of 5 and to book his flight out to Dubai for Christmas and my flight to South Africa for next month. Managed to gets son's flight for £370 and he'll have to finish school 3 days early, still searching for mine. The evening was spent writing letters and watching TV. My review of Posh Paws for this weeks #animaltales and how the cat and dog had a good stay while hubby and I were in the UK.

Wednesday I got hubby to drop me at the Mall of Emirates on his way to work so I could join in with a new coffee morning group I found online. It went badly. I caught the bus home and spent the afternoon contacting people and companies about potential employment and fundraising. I blogged today about people asking me questions all the time about how restricted I must be living in Dubai.

Day 273 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎kind‬ ‪#‎fmsphotoaday‬ ‪#‎indulgent‬‪#‎snaphappybritmums‬ ‪#‎project365‬ my baby days are long gone and I suspect/hope it'll be a while before I'm a grandparent but in the meantime I'm indulging myself by buying baby clothes for my friends 1st grandchild due very soon.

Thursday was coffee morning at Dubai Festival city and a wander around the shops. It's proving an impossible task trying to purchase an address book. Half the time the staff in the shops have no idea what one is, or if they do, why I'd want one. I spent the afternoon and evening in bed with a migraine due to my period. This weeks travel post is our holiday to the UK and the South West of England.

Day 274 #onedailypositive #oops #fmsphotoaday#snaphappybritmums #project365 there have been three #oops today. 1) no photo prompt from @britmums 2) fell asleep early and forgot to put photo up 3) failed to have one of my many pashminas on me and for the first time since arriving in Dubai I was denied access to a building as I didn't have a pashmina with me to cover my shoulders when requested. I have absolutely NO issue with this at all. I know the laws, I choose to live in the UAE and I'm more than happy to comply. I stopped carrying a pashmina as I'd never had this request before, will now put it back in my bag.

Friday and I was up early, 3am, I woke up cold with the air con and still had a bit of a migraine. I sat outside with the cat and dog it was 31c and humidity was high so everything was damp. We've been able to spend more time outside as summer is coming to an end, but only after sunset. Bob and I went to an adoption and open day at Posh Paws, where the cat and dog had boarded while we were in the UK. The past few weeks I've been planning how I can inject some colour and life into the Garden in the desert and what to do with all the open space we have. We went out for coffee and cake midday and stopped at the bird sanctuary to see the Flamingoes but the hides were closed so instead we went to Safa Park to check out the building of the new canal and see what the plans are for the park once the canal is finished. Completed the day with a trip to Carrefour to do the food shop.

Day 275 #onedailypositive #garden #fmsphotoaday #snaphappybritmums

Saturday out into the desert to the new lakes with Bob, met up with some of the others that have found their way over, nothing doing for the rest of the day. I'm still nursing a migraine and most of today was spent sleeping.

Day 276 ‪#‎onedailypositive‬ ‪#‎ISawThis‬ ‪#‎fmsphotoaday‬ ‪#‎project365‬ A Lilac-Breasted Roller. We were used to seeing these in South Africa, spotted yesterday in Safa Park, was a little surprised to see one but they are also native in the Arabian Peninsula.


  1. Fabulous capture of the bird at the end there! Love your family photos. Hope your migraine has cleared now. It sounds like you've had a miserable few days.

  2. Hope you manage to sort your flight to SA soon! I never carry a pashmina about in Dubai (mind you, I've only been for a handful of days about 4 times), must remember that!

    1. I've now got a pashmina in the car and one in my hand bag, just in case

  3. Good luck with your hair - dying it can be hard work and I have days I just want to let it go natural.

    1. keeping the greys at bay is just fighting a loosing battle now

  4. The bird at the end is beautiful. Hope your migraine is getting better, sounds like a rough few days. My 9yo plays the clarinet :) Lovely collage of family photos.

    1. clarinet has sat there all week, just looking at me. The bird was a lucky capture it was moving fast

  5. Brave move on the hair and fabulous bird capture

    1. i've got 2 weeks till i can have it done, wearing hand bands at the moment

  6. hope the migraine has eased now. that last photo is stunning, brilliant capture!

  7. What a beautiful bird in flight shot! I also need to decide what to do with my grey hair, I dye it about once a month at home, but wonder whether I should just stop and go for the natural grey-tinted version.

    1. i may chicken out, I'm waiting for the hairdresser to get back to me to let me know if its do able

  8. Hope you are feeling better. The last picture is a great shot! x #project365

  9. sorry to read your coffee morning went badly, and that you have a migraine.use to get them as a teenager and they are so deliberating.
    Wow at that last picture, what a great capture of a colourful bird.

    1. the bird was lovely to see and took me by surprise as i didn't expect to see one in Dubai

  10. Love that final picture! Oh sorry to hear the coffee morning went badly!

    Been checking the Dubai weather and hoping it cools down by the end of October!!

    1. the weather is cooling but humidity is high at the moment

  11. that is only half of the family, so many people we didn't get to see :-(

