Sunday, 25 October 2015

Week 43 - My Sunday Photo. Volunteering in South Africa

62 Santa Shoeboxes, pledged, shopped, packed, labelled and waiting for drop off number 2 to start on Wednesday.

Pretoria North drop off processed 900 boxes on Friday and Saturday. Pretoria East/Centurion will be processing over 6000 boxes. Help us help as many children as we can.

I have the following boxes to make up, as I over pledged so if anyone wants to sponsor a box or two, please let me know. The average box costs £10/R200/AED56

Boy                                                                                      Girl
Nhlonipho aged 9                                                                Lebongang aged 12
Tebohos aged 9                                                                    Keneilwet aged 12
Tumelo aged 7                                                                     Gugukethu aged 12

Santa Shoebox is very special to me, it's where I first found friendship in October 2011 when I dropped off my 5 boxes, met Brittany, Janet and Dorette and ended up staying for 5 years. Sadly this will be my last year with SSB as I now have a job and live in Dubai, but I plan to carry on raising awareness and funds for these wonderful people and the rest of the committee and volunteers to support them in the valuable work they do in the community supporting vulnerable and disadvantaged children.

Want to know more?

How you can support vulnerable and disadvantaged children in South Africa

The charities and sponsors I'm working with in South Africa 


  1. Oh wow look at all those boxes, some will be very pleased this Xmas :) Popping over from #mysundayphoto

  2. Brilliant work, I hope things are going really well

    Thank you for linking up

  3. What a wonderful scheme. #mysundayphoto

  4. Good job S. Such a fantastic cause. We'll be packing our 3 boxes this week for weekend drop off. So exciting

  5. What a wonderful job you are doing and what a lovely lot of boxes you have there to gift. #MySundayPhoto

    1. thank you laura, these were packed on behalf of a donor

  6. I think it's fantastic the volunteering you do for them. It's great that it helped you make friends, as well as you helping children :)

    1. thank you Sarah, sadly this will be my last year as I'll be restricted to term time holidays from now on

  7. Love this idea, well done you, I loved living for a while in Swaziland and visiting Jo'burg.
    I would love to contribute to a box, do you have paypal or do we just follow the link.
    I think giving a gift box to a child less fortunate, is lovely, I say less fortunate, but it is material things they lack, as most children I remember in my time of travelling around, would smile more than anyone you see walking around in major cities. To me travelling around Africa was a real eye opener, there were so many walking with no shoes in hot sunshine, but they took there time, did not rush to get from a to b and most people were smiling, and said Hello too, I have happy memories and so for this I would like to give a smile back and join in with this, even though I am in the UK now, thanks Sadie at Tiaras and Wellyboots

    1. i'd forgotten how lovely this place was in such a short time, it is rather humbling being back, esp when people give you what little they have and welcome you into their homes

  8. Awww looks like you are really busy doing a lovely job in there. HAve fun and hope you can finish everything in time =) #mysundayphoto

    1. yep it's full on and none stop at the moment and has to be done by saturday evening

  9. We may just see you on Saturday - the kids insist on taking their own boxes in!

